Windows Server 2008R2上的TaskBar位置的SHAppBarMessage问题

时间:2013-11-30 09:42:02

标签: .net c#-4.0 windows-server-2008-r2 taskbar shell32

我对SHAppBarMessage有一个非常奇怪的问题,现在已经尝试了几个小时不同的东西,但我没有得到它。我想获得TaskBar的位置。它在Windows 8上运行正常但在Windows Server上的返回值为SHAppBarMessage

来自an answer的以下代码在Windows 8上运行良好,但在Windows 2008R2上它有一种奇怪的行为。

    public static System.Drawing.Rectangle GetTaskbarPosition()
        var data = new APPBARDATA();
        data.cbSize = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(data);
        IntPtr retval = SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETTASKBARPOS, ref data);
        if (retval == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Exception("Please re-install Windows");
        return new System.Drawing.Rectangle(data.rc.left,,
            data.rc.right - data.rc.left, data.rc.bottom -;

    // P/Invoke goo:
    private const int ABM_GETTASKBARPOS = 5;
    private static extern IntPtr SHAppBarMessage(int msg, ref APPBARDATA data);
    private struct APPBARDATA
        public int cbSize;
        public IntPtr hWnd;
        public int uCallbackMessage;
        public int uEdge;
        public RECT rc;
        public IntPtr lParam;
    private struct RECT
        public int left, top, right, bottom;


Seeing is believing

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根据the documentation for ABM_GETTASKBARPOS

fResult = (BOOL) SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETTASKBARPOS, pabd);



指向APPBARDATA结构的指针,其结构的rc成员接收任务栏的屏幕坐标中的边界矩形。 发送此邮件时,您必须指定 cbSize hWnd ;所有其他成员都被忽略了。


This Delphi代码示例同样建议,它会查找名为Shell_TrayWnd的窗口:

// 'Shell_TrayWnd' is the name of the task bar's window
AppData.Hwnd := FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', nil);