
时间:2013-11-30 06:58:13

标签: java nullpointerexception depth-first-search

以下代码为我们提供了构建。我看到了深度优先算法的问题。我在我的dfs方法中获得了nullpointerException vList[0].visited = true;。在课程Vertex中,访问过的变量似乎就在那里。我怀疑这是问题所在。如何让深度首次遍历工作。谢谢。下面是代码。

public class Graph
   private final int MAX_VERT = 5;

public int [][] adjMat;   // 2D adjacency matrix representation of graph

public Vertex vList []; //List of vertices

public StackX stack;

    public Graph ()
    vList = new Vertex [MAX_VERT];
    adjMat = new int [MAX_VERT][MAX_VERT];

    stack = new StackX();

    for(int y=0; y<MAX_VERT; y++)      // set adjacency
           for(int x=0; x<MAX_VERT; x++)   //    matrix to 0
          adjMat[x][y] = 0; 

    public static void main(String[] args)
      * The matrix below corresponds to the following weighted graph
      * that contains one unidirectional edge and remaining edges are
      * bi-directional:
      *         1
      *     A +-----+ C
      *     + \     |
      *     |  \    |
      *     |   \2  | 4
      *     |8   \  |
      *     |     \ |
      *     |      \|
      *     +       +
      *     B       D
      *     \       ^
      *     6\      | 2 (This is a unidirectional edge from E -> D only)
      *       \ E+--+   (All the rest of the edges are bi-directional)
        int graph[][] = {
         /* A   B   C   D   E        */
            {-1,  8,  1,  2, -1}, /* A */
            { 8, -1, -1, -1,  6}, /* B */
            { 1, -1, -1,  4, -1}, /* C */
            { 2, -1,  4, -1, -1}, /* D */
            {-1,  6, -1,  2, -1}  /* E */

        Vertex v[] = new Vertex[5];            

    static void add_neighbour(Vertex v, int graph[])
        for (int i = 0; i < graph.length; i++) {
            String n = "";

            switch(i)  {
                case 0: n = "A"; break;
                case 1: n = "B"; break;
                case 2: n = "C"; break;
                case 3: n = "D"; break;
                case 4: n = "E"; break;

            if (graph[i] != -1)  {
                v.add_neighbour(new Neighbour(v.get_label(), n, graph[i]));

    public void displayVertex(int v)

 //Depth First Search
    public void dfs(int [][] adjMat)  // depth-first search
    {                                 // begin at vertex 0 
        vList[0].visited = true;  // nullpointer here when compiling
        displayVertex(0);         // display it
        stack.push(0);            // push it

        while( !stack.isEmpty() )      // until stack empty,
         // get an unvisited vertex adjacent to stack top
            int v = getAdjUnvisitedVertex(stack.peek());
            if(v == -1)                    // if no such vertex,
            else                           // if it exists,
                vList[v].visited = true;  // mark it
                displayVertex(v);                 // display it
                stack.push(v);                 // push it
        }  // end while

     // stack is empty, so we're done
        for(int j=0; j<MAX_VERT; j++)          // reset flags
            vList[j].visited = false;
    }  // end dfs 

 //returns an unvisited vertex adj to v
    public int getAdjUnvisitedVertex(int v)
        for(int j=0; j<MAX_VERT; j++)
            if(adjMat[v][j]==1 && vList[j].visited==false)
                return j;
        return -1;
    }  // end getAdjUnvisitedVertex()

class Vertex  
    private String label;
    private PriorityQueue<Neighbour> neighbours;
    private boolean visited;

    public Vertex(String l) 
        label = l;
        neighbours = null;
        visited = false;

    public void add_neighbour(Neighbour n) 
        if (neighbours == null)
            neighbours = new PriorityQueue<Neighbour>();

    public Neighbour remove_neighbour() 
        Neighbour n = null;

        if (neighbours.size() > 0)  {
            n = neighbours.peek();

        return n;

    public String get_label() { return label; }

    public String toString()
        String s = "Vertex: " + label + "\n";

        s += " Neighbours: \n";

        Iterator<Neighbour> itr = neighbours.iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext())  {
            Neighbour n = itr.next();
            s += n;

        return s;

class Neighbour implements Comparable<Neighbour>
    private String source;
    private String destination;
    private Integer weight;

    public Neighbour(String s, String d, int w)
        source = s; destination = d; weight = w;

    public int compareTo(Neighbour o)
        if (this.weight < o.weight) return -1;
        else if (this.weight > o.weight) return 1;
        else return 0;

    public String toString()
        return "  " + destination + ", weight: " + weight + "\n";

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

发布实际代码。这个根本不编译。 vList的声明在哪里? adjMat的声明在哪里?如何访问labelvisited等私有变量 来自另一个班级。


无论如何,如果您创建vList之类的vList = new Vertex[5](查看vmain的声明),请知道这只分配数组,并引用它包含为null。您还必须分配它们,例如vList[0] = new Vertex()