0.00049 1.509
0.00098 1.510
0.00195 1.511
0.00293 1.509
0.00391 1.510
0.00586 1.523
0.00781 1.512
0.01172 1.514
0.01562 1.510
0.02344 1.511
0.03125 1.510
0.04688 7.053
0.06250 7.054
0.09375 7.187
0.125 7.184
0.1875 7.177
0.25 7.207
0.375 16.588
0.5 24.930
0.75 39.394
1 56.615
1.5 77.308
2 84.909
3 89.056
4 88.485
6 88.678
8 89.022
12 88.513
16 88.369
24 88.512
32 88.536
48 87.792
64 87.716
96 87.589
128 87.608
192 87.457
256 87.388
#! /usr/bin/gnuplot
set terminal png
set output "lat_mem_rd.png"
set title "Memory Latency Benchmark (Stride 512)"
set xlabel "Memory Depth (MB)"
set ylabel "Latency (ns)"
set xtics rotate by 45 offset 0,-1
set xtics font "Times-Roman, 8"
set grid
set style line 1 lc rgb '#0060ad' lt 1 lw 2 pt 7 ps 1 # --- blue
plot "lat_mem_rd.dat" using (log($1)):2:xtic(1) smooth unique title "" with linespoints ls 1
但我想在y标签中显示这些近似值中的一个近似值的y值,例如,对于x值在3到256之间的所有值,y标签设置为只有一个,也许是88.513对应于x = 12或其他(或者如果它不是很困难,可能是这些点的平均值)......
答案 0 :(得分:19)
set title "Memory Latency Benchmark (Stride 512)"
set xlabel "Memory Depth (MB)"
set ylabel "Latency (ns)"
set xtics rotate by 45 offset 0,-1
set xtics font "Times-Roman, 8"
set grid
a = ""; p = 0; nn = 1; nt = 37; d = 4; s = 0
f(x) = (x>p+d || nn >= nt)?(nn=nn+1, p=x, a=a." ".sprintf("%5.2f", s/n), n=1, s=x):(nn=nn+1, p=x, s=s+x, n=n+1)
plot "lat_mem_rd.dat" using 1:(f($2)) # Just to set array "a"
set ytics 0,0,0
set yrange [0:90]
set for [aa in a] ytics add (aa aa)
set style line 1 lc rgb '#0060ad' lt 1 lw 2 pt 7 ps 1 # --- blue
set terminal png
set output "lat_mem_rd.png"
plot "lat_mem_rd.dat" using (log($1)):2:xtic(1) smooth unique title "" with linespoints ls 1