迭代向量<unique_ptr <mytype>&gt;使用C ++ 11 for()循环</unique_ptr <mytype>

时间:2013-11-29 20:04:01

标签: c++ c++11 vector unique-ptr


std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AVLTree_GeeksforGeeks>> AVLArray(100000);

/* Let's add some objects in the vector */
AVLTree_GeeksforGeeks *avl = new AVLTree_GeeksforGeeks();
avl->Insert[2]; avl->Insert[5]; AVL->Insert[0];
unique_ptr<AVLTree_GeeksforGeeks> unique_p(avl);
AVLArray[0] = move(unique_p);
/* we do this for a number of other trees, let's say another 9...
Now the vector has objects up until AVLTree[9] */

/* Let's try iterating through its valid, filled positions */
for(auto i : AVLTree )
   cout << "Hey there!\n";    //This loop should print 10 "Hey there"s.

Ruh roh。最后一部分,for()循环中的编译错误。

\DataStructures2013_2014\main.cpp||In function 'int main()':|
\DataStructures2013_2014\main.cpp|158|error: use of deleted function 'std::unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>::unique_ptr(const std::unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>&) [with _Tp = AVLTree_GeeksforGeeks; _Dp = std::default_delete<AVLTree_GeeksforGeeks>; std::unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp> = std::unique_ptr<AVLTree_GeeksforGeeks>]'|
e:\codeblocks\mingw\bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.1\include\c++\bits\unique_ptr.h|256|error: declared here|
||=== Build finished: 2 errors, 0 warnings (0 minutes, 0 seconds) ===|


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for (auto i: AVLTree) { ... }



for (auto& i: AVLTree) { ... }


for (auto const& i: AVLTree) { ... }