我正在使用Django和Reportlabs以PDF格式生成报告。我指的是this tutorial。
我还阅读了this thread以及this thread,其中说使用了canv.showpage()
如何以1 pdf格式保存2张图表?
import barchart
import linechart
from django.http import HttpResponse
from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing
from reportlab.graphics.charts.barcharts import VerticalBarChart
from reportlab.graphics import renderPDF
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
def generate_report(request):
#instantiate a drawing object
canv = canvas.Canvas('output.pdf')#,pagesize=LETTER)
d = barchart.MyBarChartDrawing()
#extract the request params of interest.
#I suggest having a default for everything.
if 'height' in request:
d.height = int(request['height'])
if 'width' in request:
d.width = int(request['width'])
if 'numbers' in request:
strNumbers = request['numbers']
numbers = map(int, strNumbers.split(','))
d.chart.data = [numbers] #bar charts take a list-of-lists for data
if 'title' in request:
d.title.text = request['title']
#get a GIF (or PNG, JPG, or whatever)
binaryStuff = d.asString('pdf')
#return HttpResponse(binaryStuff, 'image/pdf')
#instantiate a drawing object
a = linechart.MyLineChartDrawing()
#extract the request params of interest.
#I suggest having a default for everything.
a.height = 300
a.chart.height = 300
a.width = 300
a.chart.width = 300
a.title._text = request.session.get('Some custom title')
a.XLabel._text = request.session.get('X Axis Labell')
a.YLabel._text = request.session.get('Y Axis Label')
a.chart.data = [((1,1), (2,2), (2.5,1), (3,3), (4,5)),((1,2), (2,3), (2.5,2), (3.5,5), (4,6))]
labels = ["Label One","Label Two"]
if labels:
# set colors in the legend
a.Legend.colorNamePairs = []
for cnt,label in enumerate(labels):
#get a GIF (or PNG, JPG, or whatever)
binaryStuff1 = a.asString('pdf')
return HttpResponse(binaryStuff, 'pdf')
条形图和折线图代码与this site相同。
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