请帮助新手出去:) 我试图在文件中循环栅格,只需将它们导入R并给它们从文件名中取出的名称。
# Establish path to raster files
hab = "C:\\Michelle\\Michelle\\R\\Variables"
hab = list.files(path = hab, full.names = T, recursive = T) # path to each file
hab = hab[substring(hab,nchar(hab)-2,nchar(hab))=="ovr"] # keep the raster file path
#Extract File names for each raster
file = unlist(lapply(hab,function(x) strsplit(x,"/")[[1]][3])) # vector of file names
# process each raster in HAB
for(j in 1:length(hab) ){
a = raster(hab[j])}
答案 0 :(得分:1)
# if you set the working directory you do not need to return the full path in list.files.
# Use pattern arg to return a wildcard for ovr
hab = list.files(getwd(), pattern="ovr$", full.names=FALSE)
# Create raster stack and display associated names
r <- stack(hab)
# Here is how you return just the files names
hab.names <- c( unlist( lapply(strsplit(hab,"[.]"), FUN=function(x) { x[1] })))
# For loop assigning files names to individual raster objects
for(j in 1:length(hab) ) { assign(hab.names[j], raster(hab[j]) }