嗨,有没有人可以帮我解决以下问题。 在更改(PartialView)下拉列表
public ActionResult Index(int id = 0)
var testlines = db.testlines.Include(t => t.Test)
.Where(t => t.TestId == id)
.Select(t => new TestLineList {
Id = t.id,
TestId = id,
TextBefore = t.TextBefore,
TextAfter = t.TextAfter,
TestName = t.Test.Name,
Answer = t.Answer,
AudioPath = t.AudioPath
var items = db.tests.ToList().Select(i => new SelectListItem() { Value = i.Id.ToString() , Text = i.Name });
List<SelectListItem> testlist = new List<SelectListItem>();
testlist.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Value = "0", Text = "-- Vælg Test --" });
SelectList sl = new SelectList(testlist, "Value", "Text", id);
ViewBag.TestId = sl;
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
return PartialView("PartialTestlines", testlines);
return View(testlines.ToList());
public ActionResult PartialTestlines(int? id)
if (!id.HasValue) { id = 0; }
var testlines = db.testlines.Include(t => t.Test)
.Where(t => t.TestId == id)
.Select(t => new TestLineList
Id = t.id,
TestId = id.HasValue ? (int)0:(int)id,
TextBefore = t.TextBefore,
TextAfter = t.TextAfter,
TestName = t.Test.Name,
Answer = t.Answer,
AudioPath = t.AudioPath
var items = db.tests.ToList().Select(i => new SelectListItem() { Value = i.Id.ToString(), Text = i.Name });
List<SelectListItem> testItems = new List<SelectListItem>();
testItems.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Value = "0", Text = "-- Vælg Test --" });
SelectList sl = new SelectList(testItems, "Value", "Text", id);
ViewBag.TestId = sl;
//return this.Json(testlines, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
return PartialView("PartialTestlines",testlines);
return View(testlines.ToList());
}`enter code here`
@model IEnumerable<Spelling.Models.TestLineList>
@using(Ajax.BeginForm("PartialTestlines", "TestLine", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "highlight" }))
@Html.DropDownList("Testdrop", (SelectList)ViewBag.TestId,((SelectList)ViewBag.TestId).SelectedValue)
@Html.Partial("PartialTestlines", Model)
$(document).ready(function () {
("#Testdrop").change(function () {
onchange funktion不会发出ajax请求,也无法从下拉列表中获取值并将其用作参数ID。
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
$("#Testdrop").change(function () {
var tempid = $("#Testdrop").val();
url: "/TestLine/PartialTestlines",
type : "post",
data: {"id" : tempid } ,// Send value of the drop down change of option
dataType: "json", // Choosing a JSON datatype
success: function (data) {
// Variable data contains the data you get from the action method
error: function (e) { alert(e.error);}
@using(Ajax.BeginForm("Index", "TestLine", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "highlight" }))
// @Html.DropDownList("Testdrop", (SelectList)ViewBag.TestId,((SelectList)iewBag.TestId).SelectedValue)
<input type="search" name="id" />
<input type="submit" value="id" />