
时间:2013-11-26 22:14:13

标签: php date datetime date-math



例如:如果给定的日期是星期二的17:30,那么两个小时的加法将导致星期三的9:30(17:30 + 1小时= 18:30,8:30 +其余1小时) = 9:30)。或者,如果给定的日期是星期五的17:00,结果将是星期一的9:00(星期五17:00 + 1.5小时= 18:30,星期一8:30 +剩余.5小时= 9:00)


$idate1 = strtotime($_POST['date']);
$time1 = date('Y-m-d G:i', strtotime('+120 minutes', $idate1));
$_POST['due_date']  = $time1;

我试过这个功能,它很有效,除非我使用像(2013-11-26 12:30)这样的日期他给我(2013-11-27 04:30:00) 问题是12:30

function addRollover($givenDate, $addtime) {
    $starttime = 8.5*60; //Start time in minutes (decimal hours * 60)
    $endtime = 18.5*60; //End time in minutes (decimal hours * 60)

    $givenDate = strtotime($givenDate);

    //Get just the day portion of the given time
    $givenDay = strtotime('today', $givenDate);
    //Calculate what the end of today's period is
    $maxToday = strtotime("+$endtime minutes", $givenDay);
    //Calculate the start of the next period
    $nextPeriod = strtotime("tomorrow", $givenDay); //Set it to the next day
    $nextPeriod = strtotime("+$starttime minutes", $nextPeriod);  //And add the starting time
    //If it's the weekend, bump it to Monday
    if(date("D", $nextPeriod) == "Sat") {
        $nextPeriod = strtotime("+2 days", $nextPeriod);

    //Add the time period to the new day
    $newDate = strtotime("+$addtime", $givenDate);
    //print "$givenDate -> $newDate\n";
    //print "$maxToday\n";
    //Get the new hour as a decimal (adding minutes/60)
    $hourfrac = date('H',$newDate) + date('i',$newDate)/60;
    //print "$hourfrac\n";

    //Check if we're outside the range needed
    if($hourfrac < $starttime || $hourfrac > $endtime) {
        //We're outside the range, find the remainder and add it on
        $remainder = $newDate - $maxToday;
        //print "$remainder\n";
        $newDate = $nextPeriod + $remainder;

    return $newDate;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我不知道你是否仍然需要这个,但无论如何它在这里。 需要PHP 5.3或更高版本

function addRollover($givenDate, $addtime) {
    $datetime = new DateTime($givenDate);

    if (in_array($datetime->format('l'), array('Sunday','Saturday')) || 
        17 < $datetime->format('G') || 
        (17 === $datetime->format('G') && 30 < $datetime->format('G'))
    ) {
        $endofday = clone $datetime;
        $interval = $datetime->diff($endofday);

        $datetime->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
        if (in_array($datetime->format('l'), array('Saturday', 'Sunday'))) {
            $datetime->modify('next Monday');

    return $datetime;

$future = addRollover('2014-01-03 15:15:00', '+4 hours');
echo $future->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

See it in action


  1. 首先,我们创建一个表示我们的开始日期/时间的DateTime对象

  2. 然后我们向其添加指定的时间(请参阅Supported Date and Time Formats

  3. 我们检查是周末,下午6点后,还是下午5点,超过30分钟(例如下午5:30后)

  4. 如果是这样,我们克隆我们的datetime对象并将其设置为5:30 PM

  5. 然后我们将结束时间(下午5:30)和修改时间之间的差异作为DateInterval object

  6. 然后我们进入第二天

  7. 如果第二天是星期六,我们会进入第二天

  8. 如果第二天是星期天,我们会进入第二天

  9. 然后我们将时间设置为上午8:30

  10. 然后我们将结束时间(下午5:30)和修改时间之间的差异添加到我们的日期时间对象

  11. 我们从函数

  12. 返回对象