Galaxy Note 1未在adb设备下列出

时间:2013-11-24 16:53:51

标签: android adb detect data-recovery

我刚刚安装了android sdk。并尝试按these steps来检测我的设备。因为我的手机已断开连接在不幸/意外/不受欢迎的软件升级期间死亡。

它在三星启动屏幕上冻结了。我能够使用音量+电源+主页按钮进入另一个now send the package you want to apply to the device with adb sideload <file name>的黑屏。但是当我甚至无法检测到我的设备时,不确定如何sideload from adb。我想要的只是检索我的数据和正常启动我的设备。

在平台工具下的命令提示符中,我输入了adb devices。但没有列出任何设备。我目前正在安装Samsung Galaxy Note MTB设备驱动程序。



根据this article, I am not sure if my phone is bricked or trap in a bootloop...First of all, lets get something straight. Most people use the term "bricked" improperly. A bricked phone means one thing: your phone won't turn on in any way, shape or form, and there's nothing you can do to fix it. It is, for all intents and purposes, as useful as a brick. A phone stuck in a boot loop is not bricked, nor is a phone that boots straight into recovery mode. These are things you can usually fix, and they're a lot more common than a truly bricked phone. If your phone is actually bricked, you won't be able to fix it yourself (but there are things you can do—see the end of this article)



安装MTP驱动程序后,我就在这一点上。但是在adb devices命令中我只看到<aserial number> recovery。它没有说<serial number> device


enter image description here

2 个答案:

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*Close the Eclipse if running
*Go to the Android SDK platform-tools directory in Command Prompt
*type adb kill-server
*then type adb start-server
*No error message is thrown while starting ADB server, then adb is started successfully.
*Now you can start Eclipse again.



甚至更新你的eclipse android dev工具。它对我有用。

答案 1 :(得分:0)



尝试下载sp flash tool检查您的手机是否被检测到,如果这样您可以对数据恢复有所希望