#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void readFile(int numericData[80] [4], string textData[80] [7]);
void printData(int numericData[80] [4], string textData[80] [7]);
int main()
string trash;
string textData [80] [7];
/* columns: 0 = name 1 = Weakness 2 = drops
3 = stealables 4 = poach item
5 = appearnce type 6 = location */
int numericData [80] [4];
// columns: 0 = HP 1 = XP 2 = LP 3 = diff rank
// used 2 multi-dimensional parallel arrays to avoid 10 parallel arrays
readFile(numericData, textData);
printData(numericData, textData);
return 0;
void readFile(int numericData[80] [4], string textData[80] [7])
ifstream inputFile;
string trash;
string rankConverter;
for (int i = 0; i < 169; i++)
getline(inputFile, trash);
//throws out first 169 trash lines, until first usale line.
for (int rareReader = 0; rareReader < 80; rareReader++)
getline(inputFile, trash);
getline(inputFile, trash);
getline(inputFile, trash);
// first three lines of EACH entry are trash: empty line,
// rare number, and empty line
getline(inputFile, trash, ':');
getline(inputFile, trash, ' ');
// reads the portion 'Name : ' and trashes
getline(inputFile, textData[rareReader][0], '(');
// stores name of monster
getline(inputFile, trash);
// throws away the rest of the Name line
/* NOTE: this somehow fixed a different problem with
entry 52 and on some how gumming up the works
look at cosmetic fixes when they crop up*/
getline(inputFile, trash);
// trashes emplty line after name
getline(inputFile, trash, ':');
getline(inputFile, trash, ' ');
inputFile >> numericData[rareReader][0];
getline(inputFile, trash, ':');
getline(inputFile, trash, ' ');
inputFile >> numericData[rareReader][1];
getline(inputFile, trash, ':');
getline(inputFile, trash, ' ');
inputFile >> numericData[rareReader][2];
// stores HP, XP, and LP values
getline(inputFile, trash);
// trashes emplty line after LP
getline(inputFile, trash, ':');
if(trash == "\nWeak ")
getline(inputFile, trash, ' ');
getline(inputFile, textData[rareReader][1]);
getline(inputFile, trash, ':');
textData[rareReader][1] = "None";
// one entry has missing line here
if (trash == "Drops ")
getline(inputFile, trash, ' ');
getline(inputFile, textData[rareReader][2]);
getline(inputFile, trash, ':');
textData[rareReader][2]= "N/A";
if(trash == "Steal ")
getline(inputFile, trash, ' ');
getline(inputFile, textData[rareReader][3]);
getline(inputFile, trash, ':');
textData[rareReader][3] = "N/A";
if (trash == "Poach :")
getline(inputFile, trash, ' ');
getline(inputFile, textData[rareReader][4]);
getline(inputFile, trash, ':');
textData[rareReader][4] = "N/A";
// note: poach exists on only some entries.
// if/else statement exsists to compensate for variation
getline(inputFile, trash, ' ');
getline(inputFile, textData[rareReader][5]);
/* stores weaknes, drop items, poachable,
stealable items, and the base sprite
image used for the rare */
getline(inputFile, trash, ':');
getline(inputFile, trash, ' ');
getline(inputFile, rankConverter);
numericData[rareReader][3] = rankConverter.size();
// takes in number of stars in Rare Rank, then coverts
//the size to numerical form.
getline(inputFile, trash, ':');
getline(inputFile, trash, ' ');
getline(inputFile, textData[rareReader][6]);
// stores Location of rare
if(rareReader > 79)
getline(inputFile, trash);
while (trash != "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
// throws away the rest of each entry as trash
void printData(int numericData[80] [4], string textData[80] [7])
cout << setw(20) << "Name";
cout << setw(10) << "HP";
cout << setw(10) << "XP";
cout << setw(10) << "LP";
cout << setw(6) << "Rank";
cout << setw(10) << "Weakness";
cout << setw(10) << "Sprite\n";
/*cout << setw(10) << "Poach\n";
cout << setw(20) << "Drop";
cout << setw(20) << "Steals";
cout << setw(20) << "Location \n\n";*/
for (int printCount = 0; printCount < 80; printCount++)
cout << setw(20) << textData[printCount][0];
cout << setw(10) << numericData[printCount][0];
cout << setw(10) << numericData[printCount][1];
cout << setw(10) << numericData[printCount][2];
cout << setw(6) << numericData[printCount][3];
cout << setw(10) << textData[printCount][1] << endl;
cout << setw(10) << textData[printCount][5];
cout << setw(10) << textData[printCount][4];
cout << setw(20) << textData[printCount][2] << endl;
cout << setw(20) << textData[printCount][3];
cout << setw(20) << textData[printCount][6] << endl;
/* columns: 0 = name 1 = Weakness 2 = drops
3 = stealables 4 = poach item
5 = appearnce type 6 = location */
//copy of note for convenience in reading