我遇到了如何从serwer(json)中恢复数据的工作或maby的问题。 我最初的想法是采用示例MusicStore并帮助自己重新获取数据并且卡住了......
<!--Expositions Views-->
<div data-role="view" id="expositions-view" data-layout="base-layout" data-title="Expositions" data-show="app.expositionsView.viewModel">
<ul id="expositions-listview" data-role="listview" data-bind="source: expositions" data-template="expositions-list-template" data-style="inset" data-auto-bind="true"></ul>
<!-- Templates -->
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="expositions-list-template">
<a class="list-item" href="\#items-view?floorId=0&expositionId=\#= ExpositionId \#">
<div class="mp_list_thumb" style="background-image: url(; "></div>
<p class="title">#= ExpositionName #</p>
<p class="description">
#= app.shortDesc(ExpositionDescription) #
<span class="more">More...</span>
define(["jQuery", "kendo", "data", "utils"], function ($, kendo, data, utils) {
return {
onShow: function (e) {
utils.log("expositions-view: onShow: " + e)
viewModel: kendo.observable({
expositions: data.expositionsList
define(["jQuery", "kendo", "config", "utils"], function ($, kendo, config, utils) {
var _wcfSchemaData = function (data) {
return data.Data;
_wcfSchemaTotal = function (data) {
return data.Count;
var DataSourceConfig = function (url, sortField, options, dataType) {
this.transport = {
dataType: dataType,
read: url
//this.sort = {
// field: sortField,
// dir: "asc"
//$.extend(this, options || {});
DataSourceConfig.prototype = {
//type: "json",
schema: {
data: _wcfSchemaData,
total: _wcfSchemaTotal
requestStart: function () { if (this.pageSize() === undefined || this.page() === 1) { utils.showLoading(); } }, //infinite scrolling has its own, less obtrusive indicator
requestEnd: function () { utils.hideLoading(); },
error: function () { utils.hideLoading(); utils.showError("There was an error loading the data from the server. Please close the app and try again."); }
//var EndlessScrollDataSource = kendo.data.DataSource.extend({
// _observe: function (data) {
// if (this._page > 1) {
// this._data.push.apply(this._data, data);
// return this._data;
// }
// return kendo.data.DataSource.prototype._observe.call(this, data);
// }
return {
clear: function (dataSource) {
dataSource.view().splice(0, dataSource.view().length);
expositionsList: new kendo.data.DataSource(new DataSourceConfig(config.expositionUrl + "?lang=pl-PL", "Name",null,'json')),
我收到错误...未捕获TypeError:对象[object Object]没有方法'call'
我如何解决这个问题,使其成功 Jsonson在这里(Json)