firm_id year dyrstr Lack total_workers
2432 2002 1980 29
2432 2003 1980 23
2432 2005 1980 1 283
2432 2006 1980 56
2432 2007 1980 21
2433 2004 2001 42
2433 2006 2001 1 29
2433 2008 2001 1 100
2434 2002 2002 21
2434 2003 2002 55
2434 2004 2002 22
2434 2005 2002 24
2434 2006 2002 17
2434 2007 2002 40
2434 2008 2002 110
2434 2009 2002 158
2434 2010 2002 38
2435 2002 2002 80
2435 2003 2002 86
2435 2004 2002 877
2435 2005 2002 254
2435 2006 2002 71
2435 2007 2002 116
2435 2008 2002 118
2435 2009 2002 1165
2435 2010 2002 67
2436 2002 1992 24
2436 2003 1992 25
2436 2004 1992 22
2436 2005 1992 23
2436 2006 1992 21
2436 2007 1992 100
2436 2008 1992 73
2436 2009 1992 23
2436 2010 1992 40
2437 2002 2002 30
2437 2003 2002 31
2437 2004 2002 21
2437 2006 2002 1 56
2437 2007 2002 20
firm_id year dyrstr Lack total_workers
2432 2002 1980 29
*2432* *2004* *1980* *156*
2432 2003 1980 23
2432 2005 1980 1 283
2432 2006 1980 56
2432 2007 1980 21
的内容,但help expand
答案 0 :(得分:5)
,ssc desc cipolate
顺序,即使有经验,我认为这也是微不足道的,所以在为类似问题获取代码时,要为错误的开始做好准备;用. clear
. input firm_id year dyrstr total_workers
firm_id year dyrstr total_w~s
1. 2432 2002 1980 29
2. 2432 2003 1980 23
3. 2432 2005 1980 283
4. 2432 2006 1980 56
5. 2432 2007 1980 21
6. 2433 2004 2001 42
7. 2433 2006 2001 29
8. 2433 2008 2001 100
9. 2434 2002 2002 21
10. 2434 2003 2002 55
11. 2434 2004 2002 22
12. 2434 2005 2002 24
13. 2434 2006 2002 17
14. 2434 2007 2002 40
15. 2434 2008 2002 110
16. 2434 2009 2002 158
17. 2434 2010 2002 38
18. 2435 2002 2002 80
19. 2435 2003 2002 86
20. 2435 2004 2002 877
21. 2435 2005 2002 254
22. 2435 2006 2002 71
23. 2435 2007 2002 116
24. 2435 2008 2002 118
25. 2435 2009 2002 1165
26. 2435 2010 2002 67
27. 2436 2002 1992 24
28. 2436 2003 1992 25
29. 2436 2004 1992 22
30. 2436 2005 1992 23
31. 2436 2006 1992 21
32. 2436 2007 1992 100
33. 2436 2008 1992 73
34. 2436 2009 1992 23
35. 2436 2010 1992 40
36. 2437 2002 2002 30
37. 2437 2003 2002 31
38. 2437 2004 2002 21
39. 2437 2006 2002 56
40. 2437 2007 2002 20
41. end
. scalar N = _N
. bysort firm_id (year) : gen gap = year - year[_n-1]
(6 missing values generated)
. expand gap
(6 missing counts ignored; observations not deleted)
(4 observations created)
. gen orig = _n <= scalar(N)
. bysort firm_id (year) : replace total_workers = . if !orig
(4 real changes made, 4 to missing)
. bysort firm_id (year orig) : replace year = year[_n-1] + 1 if _n > 1 & year != year[_n-1] + 1
(4 real changes made)
. bysort firm_id (year): ipolate total_workers year , gen(total_workers2)
. list, sepby(firm_id)
| firm_id year dyrstr total_~s gap orig total_~2 |
1. | 2432 2002 1980 29 . 1 29 |
2. | 2432 2003 1980 23 1 1 23 |
3. | 2432 2004 1980 . 2 0 153 |
4. | 2432 2005 1980 283 2 1 283 |
5. | 2432 2006 1980 56 1 1 56 |
6. | 2432 2007 1980 21 1 1 21 |
7. | 2433 2004 2001 42 . 1 42 |
8. | 2433 2005 2001 . 2 0 35.5 |
9. | 2433 2006 2001 29 2 1 29 |
10. | 2433 2007 2001 . 2 0 64.5 |
11. | 2433 2008 2001 100 2 1 100 |
12. | 2434 2002 2002 21 . 1 21 |
13. | 2434 2003 2002 55 1 1 55 |
14. | 2434 2004 2002 22 1 1 22 |
15. | 2434 2005 2002 24 1 1 24 |
16. | 2434 2006 2002 17 1 1 17 |
17. | 2434 2007 2002 40 1 1 40 |
18. | 2434 2008 2002 110 1 1 110 |
19. | 2434 2009 2002 158 1 1 158 |
20. | 2434 2010 2002 38 1 1 38 |
21. | 2435 2002 2002 80 . 1 80 |
22. | 2435 2003 2002 86 1 1 86 |
23. | 2435 2004 2002 877 1 1 877 |
24. | 2435 2005 2002 254 1 1 254 |
25. | 2435 2006 2002 71 1 1 71 |
26. | 2435 2007 2002 116 1 1 116 |
27. | 2435 2008 2002 118 1 1 118 |
28. | 2435 2009 2002 1165 1 1 1165 |
29. | 2435 2010 2002 67 1 1 67 |
30. | 2436 2002 1992 24 . 1 24 |
31. | 2436 2003 1992 25 1 1 25 |
32. | 2436 2004 1992 22 1 1 22 |
33. | 2436 2005 1992 23 1 1 23 |
34. | 2436 2006 1992 21 1 1 21 |
35. | 2436 2007 1992 100 1 1 100 |
36. | 2436 2008 1992 73 1 1 73 |
37. | 2436 2009 1992 23 1 1 23 |
38. | 2436 2010 1992 40 1 1 40 |
39. | 2437 2002 2002 30 . 1 30 |
40. | 2437 2003 2002 31 1 1 31 |
41. | 2437 2004 2002 21 1 1 21 |
42. | 2437 2005 2002 . 2 0 38.5 |
43. | 2437 2006 2002 56 2 1 56 |
44. | 2437 2007 2002 20 1 1 20 |
答案 1 :(得分:1)
* Expand database
expand 2 if Lack == 1, gen(x)
gsort firm_id year -x
* Substitution rules
replace year = year - 1 if x == 1
replace total_workers = (total_workers[_n-1] + total_workers[_n+1])/2 if x == 1
list, sepby(firm_id)
行可以重写为expand Lack + 1, gen(x)
对于 连续几年缺失的更一般情况,以下内容应该假设Lack
指定缺失的连续年数。例如,如果某个公司从2006年到2009年有一个跳跃,那么2009年的观察就会Lack = 2
* Expand database
expand Lack + 1, gen(x)
gsort firm_id year -x
* Substitution rules
replace year = year[_n-1] + 1 if x == 1
replace total_workers = ...
答案 2 :(得分:1)
tempfile master year
save `master'
keep year
duplicates drop
save `year'
//next two lines set me up to correct for different year ranges by firm; if year ranges were standard, this would be omitted
bys firm_id: egen minyear=min(year)
bys firm_id: egen maxyear=max(year)
keep firm_id minyear maxyear
duplicates drop
cross using `year'
merge m:1 firm_id year using `master', assert(1 3) nogen
drop if year<minyear | year>maxyear //this adjusts for years outside the earliest and latest years observed by firm; if year ranges standard, again omitted
的任何利弊特别感兴趣。 (除了我在这里的使用特别取决于每年被观察到的> 0记录以构建交叉数据集的事实,如果我以不同方式创建`year'