PerlTk标签 - 同一小部件​​中的不同颜色文本

时间:2013-11-22 12:26:12

标签: perl tk perltk

我编写了一个与我们的psql数据库交互的GUI。对于给定日期,gui显示具有各种标识符和信息位的人员列表。我使用Tk :: Table来显示数据

my $f_mainframe = $mw -> Frame(-bg=>'white');
$f_mainframe -> pack(-side=>'top', -expand=>1, -fill=>'both');
my $itable = $f_mainframe -> Table(-rows => 13,
                   -fixedrows => 1,
                   -fixedcolumns => 1,
                   -relief => 'raised') -> pack();

$itable->put(1,$firstnamecol,"First Name\nMYO");


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


use strict;
use Tk;
use Tk::ROText;

my $mw = tkinit;

# The monocolored Label variant
my $l = $mw->Label
     -text => "First Name\nMYO",
     -font => "{sans serif} 12",

# The multicolored ROText variant
my $txt = $mw->ROText
     -borderwidth => 0, -highlightthickness => 0, # remove extra borders
     -takefocus => 0, # make widget unfocusable
     -font => "{sans serif} 12",
     -foreground => "blue",
     -justify => 'center', # to get same behavior as with Tk::Label
     -foreground => "red",
     -justify => 'center', # to get same behavior as with Tk::Label
$txt->insert("end", "First Name\n", "blue", "MYO", "red");
# a hack to make the ROText geometry the same as the Label geometry
$txt->GeometryRequest($l->reqwidth, $l->reqheight);


如您所见,使文本小部件变体工作的输入更多。因此,将此代码抽象为子例程或窗口小部件类(可能是CPAN的东西)可能很有用。另请注意,您必须自己处理文本小部件的几何。标签自动延伸以容纳标签内容。默认情况下,文本窗口小部件的几何体为80x24个字符,并且不会根据其内容自动收缩或扩展。在示例中,我使用GeometryRequest的hack来强制使用与等效标签窗口小部件相同的几何体。也许您可以使用-width-height进行硬编码。另一种解决方案可能是使用bbox() / Tk::Text的{​​{1}}方法来计算几何。