JQuery语法 - 悬停不在无限滚动页面上工作

时间:2013-11-19 10:31:53

标签: jquery infinite-scroll jquery-hover

我正在使用infinite-ajax-scroll插件(https://github.com/webcreate/infinite-ajax-scroll)和Hover Caption插件(http://ryun.github.io/HCaptions/)。悬停效果在第一页上运行良好,但它不适用于通过无限滚动插件加载的页面。





$(document).ready(function () {

     //hcaptions for mouseover tiles  
         effect: "slide",
         direction: "bottom"

     var $container = $('#container'),
         filters = {};
         itemSelector: '.element, .element_tile',


     // Infinite Ajax Scroll configuration
         container: '#main', // main container where data goes to append
         item: '.element', // single items
         pagination: '.paginate', // page navigation
         next: '.paginate a', // next page selector
         loader: '<img src="public/img/ajax-loader.gif"/>', // loading gif
         loaderDelay: 200,
         thresholdMargin: -600,
         noneleft: 'No more discounts', //Contains the message to be displayed when there are no more pages left to load
         triggerPageThreshold: '10', // show "load more" if scroll more than this to stop
         trigger: "",
         onLoadItems: function (newElements) {
             // hide new items while they are loading
             var $newElems = $(newElements).css({
                 opacity: 0
             // ensure that images load before adding to isotope layout
             $newElems.imagesLoaded(function () {
                 // show elems now they're ready
                     opacity: 1
                 $container.isotope('insert', $newElems, true);
             return true;



        $wrap.hover(function () {
            $target.stop(true, true).fadeIn(+opts.speed, opts.onshow());
        }, function () {
            $target.stop(true, true).fadeOut(+opts.speed, opts.onhide());

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

使用无限Ajax Scroll插件中的onRenderComplete挂钩,只需在新元素加载后初始化Hover Caption插件。

我已经设置了一个JSFiddle和Gist来模拟Infinite Scroll以及HCaptions来向你展示我的意思。



var iterator = 0;

    container : '.listing',
    item: '.post',
    pagination: '.navigation',
    next: '.next-posts a',
    triggerPageThreshold: 10,

    // You should not need this! This is purely to make
    // it possible to view repeated pages on JSFiddle,
    // since each hcaption requires a unique ID.
    onLoadItems: function (items) {
        $(items).each(function (i, item) {
              .attr('data-target', 'tog-' + iterator);

              .attr('id', 'tog-' + iterator);

            iterator += 1;

    // This is the important bit --
    // reinitialize hcaptions on the new items.
    onRenderComplete: function (items) {
    loader: '<img src="http://placehold.it/100x50/333333/ffffff/&text=LOADING..."/>'


  • 您必须使用onRenderComplete,而不是onLoadItems,否则hcaptions将无法正常使用。我怀疑该插件根据它使用的项目的渲染大小进行计算,这意味着如果它们在DOM之前被触发,那么这些大小是错误的。

  • hcaptions依赖于每个项目的唯一id s。这是一种奇怪的限制 - 这不是我写插件的方式,而是whatevs。因此,您需要确保加载的每个新项都有唯一的data-targetid。对于我的例子,我必须对onLoadItems钩子中的新项目进行一些额外的操作,以便为它们提供您不必担心的独特id