
时间:2013-11-18 23:25:32

标签: javascript jquery search state history.js


<li class="car honda civic blue japan">Honda Civic</li>

我创建了一些javascript过滤器,使用这些类来缩小列表范围(即只显示<li>blue作为类的japan,但是当用户导航到另一个页面并点击&#34; Back&#34;按钮在浏览器中,重置过滤器。

我不清楚如何告诉History.js存储已应用的过滤器(在本例中为bluejapan)并在用户点击浏览器时重新应用它们#39; s后退按钮。

    // Establish Variables
    var State = History.getState();

    // Bind to State Change
    History.Adapter.bind(window,'statechange',function() {
      var State = History.getState(); // Note: We are using History.getState() instead of event.state

    // I want to save the state of the filters every time a new one is clicked
    $(".filter a").click(function() {
      var myState += $(this).class() + " "; // This will just be a string of all the applied filters
      history.pushState(myState, viewModel.title, viewModel.url);


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