c ++ tron 2d数组重复

时间:2013-11-16 19:04:51

标签: c++ arrays multidimensional-array


    #include <iostream>
    #include "windows.h"
    #include <conio.h>
    #include <ctime>
    using namespace std;

    //prototype functions used
    void DisplayMap();
    void PlayerBike();
    void setCursorTo();
    void SetBike();
    //global variables that will be used by different functions
     int PlayerX = 10;
     int PlayerY = 70;
     bool GameOver = false;
     const int H = 25; // const variable so it doesnt change size
     const int W = 82;// const variable so it doesnt change size
     char Map[H][W]; // char map with HxW
     char trail = 'x'; // this is where the trail is initialized as a * 
    int main()

    while (GameOver == false){


    } // end while loop

        return 0;
    }//end main

    void DisplayMap(){ // display map function

    for(int i = 0; i < H; i++ ){
        for(int j = 0; j < W; j++){

            if(i == 0 || i == 24 || j == 0 || j == 81 ){ Map[i][j] = 'x';} // characters in row 24x81 are changed to x
            cout << Map[i][j]; // output map
        } // end for loop
            cout << "\n"; // create new line to output the map correctly

    } //end for loop

    } // end DisplayMap function

    void SetBike(){

    Map[PlayerX] [PlayerY] = 'P';

    void PlayerBike(){
        Map[PlayerY][PlayerX]= trail; // I would like this trail to repeat behind the player but it does not appear at all. 
        if (kbhit()) {// get user key input
        char GetCh = getch(); // GetCh equal to the button the user presses
        if (GetCh == 'w'){PlayerX = PlayerX - 1; Trailx = Trailx -1;}
        else if (GetCh == 's'){PlayerX = PlayerX +1; Trailx = Trailx +1;}
        else if (GetCh == 'd'){PlayerY = PlayerY +1;}
        else if (GetCh == 'a'){PlayerY = PlayerY - 1;}
    }// end kbhit
    }// end PlayerBike function

    void setCursorTo() // stops constant flashing on the map
        HANDLE handle;
        COORD position;
        handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
        position.X = 0;
        position.Y = 0;
        SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle, position);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



接下来,请勿在{{1​​}}功能中绘制播放器P。在进入游戏循环之前,先画一次 。然后:如果用户按下有效的移动键,

  1. 在玩家的位置上加DisplayMap
  2. 更新玩家位置
  3. 在新职位上加x
  4. 通过调用P
  5. 重绘屏幕
  6. 你会看到小道停留。
  7. 可能的改进:通过更新位置接受'move'命令之前,检查地图是否包含空格或其他内容。如果它包含空格,则可以执行移动;如果没有,播放爆炸动画(DisplayMap)。另外,请考虑在您最喜欢的C引用中查找*oO*+.语句,以避免无休止的switch长序列。