
时间:2013-11-16 18:59:08

标签: assembly timer pic



相关资料: LED连接到RB5 不完全知道如何实现倒计时变量(或任何以汇编开头的变量),即使参考pong clone,我只是理解其中的一部分。 需要创建2个程序,一个使用中断,一个不使用中断。

这是我到目前为止的实际代码(它不起作用,不完整),它不多(大部分实际上已经完成,只有应用程序标记区域中的部分由我完成) ,我甚至不知道它是否正确:

;; -- mode: asm; mode: outline-minor-mode; outline-regexp: ";;;+" --

;;; skeleton.asm list p=16f1938 include "p16f1938.inc"

SETBSR macro target movlb (target >> 7) ; gpasm assember's BANKSEL doesn't work for exhanced 16F parts. ;; BANKSEL target ; Use this instruction for MPASM endm

;;; PIC16F1938 ;; fcs 22 July 2006

    ;; Here is a dummy program to illustrate the how to write an application
    ;; that can be used with the Pikme bootloader or with a hardware
    ;; programmer.

    ;; The bootloader ignores the first 32-word block of memory.

    ;; Put the application's interrupt code at 0x0020 (either put a jump
    ;; to your actual interrupt handler code there or put a retfie
    ;; instruction there.

    ;; Put the application's start code at 0x0024.

    ;; The interrupt vector is effectively 0x0020 (because the bootloader's
    ;; interrupt vector jumps to 0x0020) and the program must begin at
    ;; 0x0024.

    ;; So, ORG your interrupt code at 0x0020 and put interrupt code in
    ;; the first 4 instructions (e.g. rtfie, nop, nop, nop) and then start
    ;; the application at 0x0024.  (The 3 'nop's are not actually necessary
    ;; as long is the 'org 0x0024' statement is present.)

    ;; uncomment and possibly edit following line if you include
    ;; any macros, etc.
;include "macros.inc"


radix   dec

;========================================================================== ; __CONFIG 0x3F10


    ;; Above configuration word will be ignored when using the bootloader but
    ;; will be programmed into the PIC when you use a hardware programmer.

;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; First 32-word block. ;;; This is ignored by the bootloader but is not ignored when ;;; using a hardware programmer. ;;; By putting this code here, the very same hex file can be used either ;;; with the bootloader or with a hardware programmer. ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; org 0x0000 goto UserApp

org 0x0004

ISR goto UserISR

;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; First block after protected memory. ;;; This is where the application's interrupt and application code ;;; go. ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; org 0x0200 ;; Your interrupt handler must be org'd at 0x0020. ;; Use a return from interrupt instruction (retfie) or put ;; a jump to your actual interrupt handler (goto xxxx). UserISR retfie nop nop nop

    org 0x0204
    ;; Your application *must* be org'd at 0x0204, because that is
    ;; the address where the bootloader jumps.

UserApp ;; put your application code here. This code sets the internal oscillator to 32 Mhz.

movlb   (OSCCON >> 7)   ; Use this statement if your assembler does not support Enhanced BANKSEL

;; BANKSEL TRISB ; Use this statement if your assembler supports it.

movlw   0xF0        ; 8 Mhz, internal OSC, PLL on
movwf   OSCCON

hsploop: btfss OSCSTAT,HFIOFR bra hsploop

pllloop: btfss OSCSTAT,PLLR bra pllloop

;; Reset the BSR to Bank 0

;; Main: This is where your applications goes. Make sure it is an infinite loop! main: bra main; relative branch main BCF TMR2; Clears register for timer 2.

SETBSR PORTB; Bank 0 movlw 0x01; move 0x01 to W movwf PORTB; move w to PORTB BCF PORTB,5; bit clear PORTB end


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




movlw   0b01001111        ; set postscaler bits to 1001, prescaler bits to 11
movwf   T2CON


movlw CountDownStartValue
movwf CountDownTimer, 1




btfsc   PIR1, TMR2IF
    call TimerOverflow

确保清除标记。然后递减你的柜台。一旦它达到零,你想要切换 输出。由于以下原因,我建议写信至LAT而不是PORTDifference between PORT and LATCH on PIC 18F

    bcf  PIR1, TMR2IF              ; Clear the flag or else we'll continue to pop back in.
    decfsz  CountDownTimer, 1      ; Countdown variable. If not zero, then return

    ;We skipped over the return, the countdown must have reached zero
    movlw CountDownStartValue
    movwf CountDownTimer, 1

    BTFSS LATB, 5     ; Is the LED already on or off?
       goto TurnOn
       goto TurnOff

    BSF   LATB, 5
    return            ; This returns from TimerOverflow call

    BCF   LATB, 5
    return            ; This returns from TimerOverflow call
