
时间:2013-11-16 03:48:41

标签: c multidimensional-array standard-deviation

这是我的代码,它应该计算fillArray填充的随机生成数组的标准偏差。 stdDev应该计算标准偏差。 otherStats应该找到数组中最大和最小的值。到目前为止,唯一生成的是偏差为0,最小和最大。这是代码:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

float fillArray (float array[7][5]);
float printArray (float array[7][5], float deviation, float largest, float smallest);
float stdDev (float array[7][5], float deviation, float average);
float otherStats (float array[7][5], float largest, float smallest);

int main ()
  float deviation, average, largest, smallest; 
  float array[7][5];
  fillArray (array);
  stdDev (array, deviation, average);
  otherStats (array, largest, smallest);
  printArray (array, deviation, largest, smallest);

float fillArray (float array[7][5])
  int row, column;
  for (row = 0; row < 7; row++)
      for (column = 0; column < 5; column++)
          array[row][column] = (float) rand () / (float) RAND_MAX;
  return array[7][5];

float stdDev (float array[7][5], float deviation, float average)
  float number1, number2;
  array[7][5] = fillArray(array);
  int ROw, Col;
  for (ROw = 0; ROw < 7; ROw++)
      for (Col = 0; Col < 5; Col++)
          number1 = array[ROw][Col] + number1;
          average = number1 / 35;

      for (ROw = 0; ROw < 7; ROw++)
          for (Col = 0; Col < 5; Col++)
              number2 = average - array[ROw][Col];
              deviation = sqrt (number2 / 35);
  return deviation;

float otherStats (float array[7][5], float largest, float smallest)
  array[7][5] = fillArray(array);
  float num1, num2;             //Check which ones largest or smallest.
  int ROW, COLUMN;
  for (ROW = 0; ROW < 7; ROW++)
      for (COLUMN = 0; COLUMN < 5; COLUMN++)
          num1 = array[ROW][COLUMN];
          num2 = array[1][1];
          largest = num2;
          smallest = num1;
          if (num1 > num2)
              largest = num1;
              smallest = num1;
  return largest, smallest;

float printArray (float array[7][5], float deviation, float largest, float 
  int Row, Column;

  printf("Column #:  ");

  for (Column = 0; Column < 5; Column++)
      printf ("%d     ", Column);
  printf("\nRow #|________________________________\n");

  for (Row = 0; Row < 7; Row++)
      printf("%d    |   ", Row);

      for (Column = 0; Column < 5; Column++)
          printf ("%4.2f  ", array[Row][Column]);

      printf ("\n");
  printf("The standard deviation is %f, the largest is %f, the smallest is %f.\n", 
deviation, largest, smallest);




Column #:  0     1     2     3     4     
Row #|________________________________
0    |   0.53  0.04  0.44  0.93  0.93  
1    |   0.72  0.28  0.74  0.64  0.35  
2    |   0.69  0.17  0.44  0.88  0.83  
3    |   0.33  0.23  0.89  0.35  0.69  
4    |   0.96  0.59  0.66  0.86  0.44  
5    |   0.92  0.40  0.81  0.68  0.91  
6    |   0.48  0.22  0.95  0.92  0.15  
The standard deviation is -0.000000, the largest is 0.000000, the smallest is 0.000000.

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

是你的编码问题的答案,但它 是你做错的一个例子。我当然不会期望这会引起很多关注(除了可能还有一些选票和一些尖锐的批评)。




#include <stdio.h>

int foo_one(int a, int b)
    printf("foo:  &a = %p, &b=%p\n", &a, &b);
    return a+b;

int main()
    int a = 1, b = 2;
    printf("main: &a = %p, &b=%p\n", &a, &b);
    return 0;


main: &a = 0x7fff5fbff938, &b=0x7fff5fbff934
foo:  &a = 0x7fff5fbff90c, &b=0x7fff5fbff908

注意函数中变量的逻辑地址与main()中的变量的逻辑地址不同。 ab被推入临时存储(通常是“堆栈”,但如果没有正式的数据结构课程,您可能不知道这是什么如果你有其中一个你可能不会问这个问题)。然后进行函数调用。



#include <stdio.h>

void foo_two(int a, int b, int c)
    printf("foo:  &a = %p, &b=%p, &c=%p\n", &a, &b, &c);
    c = a + b;

int main()
    int a = 1, b = 2, c = 0;
    printf("main: &a = %p, &b=%p, &c=%p\n", &a, &b, &c);
    printf("c = %d\n", c);
    return 0;


main: &a = 0x7fff5fbff938, &b=0x7fff5fbff934, &c=0x7fff5fbff930
foo:  &a = 0x7fff5fbff90c, &b=0x7fff5fbff908, &c=0x7fff5fbff904
c = 0

刚刚发生了什么?我们在c中修改的foo_two()变量 main()中的变量。它们有不同的内存地址。我们在foo_two()中修改的那个是按值副本(示例#1中讨论的“temp”变量)。


如果只有一种方法,我们可以直接在foo_three()中告诉main()变量的内存地址...以某种方式将 地址作为“值”传递给参数,然后用它来存储我们需要去的结果;在main::c


#include <stdio.h>

void foo_three(int a, int b, int* ptr)
    printf("foo:  &a = %p, &b=%p, ptr=%p\n", &a, &b, ptr);
    *ptr = a + b; // note the dereference operator

int main()
    int a = 1, b = 2, c = 0;
    printf("main: &a = %p, &b=%p, &c=%p\n", &a, &b, &c);
    foo_three(a,b,&c); // note the address of c being passed
    printf("c = %d\n", c);
    return 0;


main: &a = 0x7fff5fbff938, &b=0x7fff5fbff934, &c=0x7fff5fbff930
foo:  &a = 0x7fff5fbff90c, &b=0x7fff5fbff908, ptr=0x7fff5fbff930
c = 3

这很重要。仔细查看foo_three()中正在打印的内容。 ptr参数的(指针)与cmain()变量的地址相同我们可以直接修改该地址的int



现在,完成所有这些后,请回顾一下您的程序,看看您是否能够理解如何将其应用于您的问题。并研究C指针。它们并不神奇,而且 严重用于大多数C程序。值得花时间尽快学习。

答案 1 :(得分:2)

我认为你是学生。学习一门新语言时,阅读其他人的代码确实很有帮助。我重写了你的均值/标准偏差函数,展示了我如何处理这种事情。 (1维不是2维...没有免费午餐!)


我同意您需要使用调试器的其他海报......即使没有编译器错误或链接器错误,程序仍可能无法正常工作。您可以使用单元测试框架(如Google Test或CppUnit)验证函数的正确性,或者您可以使用临时测试函数,如下所示。

// tested with minGW_w32 gcc-4.7.2

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

/// Calculate mean and standard deviation of a 1-dimensional array.
/// Example showing how to pass values by reference.
/// @param[in] x = 1-dimensional array of values to evaluate
/// @param[in] length = number of elements in array
/// @param[out] pdMean = caller-allocated storage for arithmetic mean average
/// @param[out] pdStdDev = caller-allocated storage for standard deviation
/// void return type because this function does not have a return value.
void calculateMeanAndStdDev (double x[], size_t length, double* pdStdDev, double* pdMean)
    size_t index;       // size_t is an unsigned integer type useful for counting array elements

    double sumX = 0;
    double sumXSquared = 0;
    for (index = 0; index < length; index++)
        // accumulate sum of the x values
        sumX += x[index];

        // accumulate the sum of each x squared
        sumXSquared += ( x[index] * x[index] );

    // pdMean is a pointer to the variable in the caller, which will receive the value
    // *pdMean is the object that double& pdMean points to.
    // I'm using the pd prefix to mean pointer to double.
    // I prefer to write this as (*pdMean) to help clarify that I'm using * to dereference a pointer, not to perform multiplication.
    (*pdMean) = sumX / length;

    double variance = 0;
    for (index = 0; index < length; index++)
        const double differenceFromMean = x[index] - (*pdMean);
        // without the parenthesis this is written as  differenceFromMean = x[index] - *pdMean;

        variance += differenceFromMean * differenceFromMean;
    (*pdStdDev) = sqrt ( variance / length);

    /// @note there's a more effient way to calculate mean and standard deviation, where you accumulate sumX and sumXSquared in a single pass,
    /// then mean is sumX / length and StdDev is calculated from sumXsquared and (sumX)*(sumX).
    /// For purposes of this exercise I stuck with the more direct equation.

/// Example ad hoc test driver calling calculateMeanAndStdDev()
void Test_calculateMeanAndStdDev()
    double demoArray[] = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 7.5, 9.2 };
    const double expect_Mean = 4.54;
    const double expect_StdDev = 3.2196894260161177;

    double Mean; // will be filled in by calculateMeanAndStdDev
    double StdDev; // will be filled in by calculateMeanAndStdDev
    calculateMeanAndStdDev(demoArray, sizeof(demoArray)/sizeof(double), &StdDev, &Mean);

    const double compare_threshold = 0.001;
    if ( abs(Mean - expect_Mean) > compare_threshold ) {
        printf("\n""Test_calculateMeanAndStdDev() fail: Mean=%1.6f buf expect_Mean=%1.6f", Mean, expect_Mean);
    } else {
        printf("\n""Test_calculateMeanAndStdDev(): Mean=%1.6f as expected", Mean);
    if ( abs(StdDev - expect_StdDev) > compare_threshold ) {
        printf("\n""Test_calculateMeanAndStdDev() fail: StdDev=%1.6f buf expect_StdDev=%1.6f", StdDev, expect_StdDev);
    } else {
        printf("\n""Test_calculateMeanAndStdDev(): StdDev=%1.6f as expected", StdDev);

int main(void)
    return 0;
