if airplay device is in use then //(pause for longer)
else //(the script that is already there)
global okflag
set okflag to false
set front_app to (path to frontmost application as Unicode text)
-- check if iTunes is running
tell application "System Events"
if process "iTunes" exists then
set okflag to true --iTunes is running
end if
end tell
if okflag is true then
set CV to output volume of (get volume settings)
tell application "iTunes"
if (player state is playing) then
set currentVolume to the sound volume
set Timer to ""
display dialog "Sleep Time (Minutes)" with title "iTunes Timer" default answer Timer buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2
set Timer to text returned of the result
set the_button to button returned of (display dialog "Shutdown after countdown?" with title "iTunes Timer" buttons {"No", "Yes"} default button 2)
delay Timer * 60
repeat with i from currentVolume to 0 by -1
set the sound volume to i
delay 0.6
end repeat
set player position to (player position - 60)
--Restore original volume
set the sound volume to currentVolume
if the_button is "Yes" then tell application "System Events"
shut down
end tell
display dialog "Nothing Playing" with title "iTunes Timer" giving up after 2
end if
end tell
display dialog "iTunes is not running" with title "iTunes Timer" giving up after 2
end if
答案 0 :(得分:0)
但是如果你是从iTunes流媒体说的话,没有锻炼如何获得状态。 (到目前为止)
但是,如果将airplay用作扩展桌面空间或镜像然后在系统配置文件中选择用于显示,则进行锻炼。 SPDisplaysDataType
set connected to ""
set connected to do shell script "system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | grep -i \"AirPlay\" "
if connected contains "Connection Type: AirPlay" then
set connected to "Connected as a Display or mirroring"
end if
on error err
log err
if err contains "The command exited with a non-zero status" then
--do somthing
set connected to "Not connected as a Display or mirroring"
end if
end try
<强> UPDATE * 强>
iTunes命令现在有一些播放命令。不确定它们何时出现。 但是使用的一个例子是:
tell application "iTunes"
set isPlaying to player state
if isPlaying is playing then
log isPlaying
set airPlayEnabled to AirPlay enabled
if airPlayEnabled then
log airPlayEnabled
end if
log isPlaying
end if
end tell
启用 AirPlay AFAIK仅针对其运行的iTunes播放器。而不是可能占用Airplay设备的任何其他设备