
时间:2013-11-14 16:53:45

标签: generics ada



    type Item is private;
    type Item_Ref is access all Item;
    Addr : System.Address;
    Default : Item;

    with Is_Valid (Obj : Item) return Boolean;

    -- Forward Declare ** DOES NOT COMPILE
    function Default_Validate (Data_Ptr : Item_Ref) return Boolean;

    with function Validate (Data_Ptr : Item_Ref) return Boolean is Default_Validate;

package Foo is

    -- function Default_Validate (Data_Ptr : Item_Ref) return Boolean;

    function Read_Eeprom return Item;

end Foo;


package body Foo is

    Obj : aliased Item;
    for Obj'Address use Addr;

    -- Read Method
    function Read_Eeprom return Item is

        -- ** Read EEPROM using OBJ **

        Validate (Obj'Unchecked_Access);

    end Read_Eeprom;

    -- Default Validate Method
    function Default_Validate (Data_Ptr : Item_Ref) return Boolean is 
        Valid : Boolean;
        Valid := Is_Valid(Data_Ptr.all);

        if not Valid then
            Data_Ptr.all := Default;
        end if;

        return Valid;
    end Default_Validate;

end Foo;


with Foo;
procedure Main is
    MAX_INT : constant Integer := 100;
    MIN_INT : constant Integer := 0;

    -- Special / Non-Scaler Type
    type Pair_Type is 
            X : Integer;
            Y : Integer;
        end record;

    type Pair_Ref is access all Pair;

    -- Is Valid
    function Int_Is_Valid(Int : Integer) return Boolean is
        return (Int <= MAX_INT and Int >= MIN_INT);
    end Pair_Is_Valid;

    -- Is Valid
    function Pair_Is_Valid(Pair : Pair_Type) return Boolean is
        return Pair.X'Valid and Pair.Y'Valid;
    end Pair_Is_Valid;

    -- Validate
    function Pair_Validate(Pair : Pair_Ref) return Boolean is
        Valid : Boolean := True;
        if not Pair.X'Valid then
            Pair.X := 0;
            Valid := False;
        end if;

        if not Pair.Y'Valid then
            Pair.Y := 0;
            Valid := False;
        end if;

        return Valid;
    end Special_Validate;

    type Int_Ref is access all Integer;

    My_Int  : Integer;
    My_Pair : Pair_Type;
    Default_Pair : Pair_Type := (0,0);

    package Int_Obj is new Foo (Item => Integer,
                                Item_Ref => Int_Ref,
                                Addr => My_Int'Address,
                                Default => 0,
                                Is_Valid => Int_Is_Valid);

    package Pair_Obj is new Foo (Item => Pair_Type,
                                 Item_Ref => Pair_Ref,
                                 Addr => My_Pair'Address,
                                 Default => Default_Pair,
                                 Is_Valid => Pair_Is_Valid,
                                 Validate => Pair_Validate);

   Tmp_Int   : Integer;
   Tmps_Pair : Pair_Type;


   Tmp_Int := Int_Obj.Read_Eeprom;
   Tmp_Pair := Pair_Obj.Read_Eeprom;

end Main;

我得到的错误是“预期文件结束,文件只能有一个编译单元” 如何将通用子程序默认为属于包的成员的函数?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

不幸的是,你不能 - 这是一个鸡与蛋的问题。编译器需要弄清楚所有通用参数在实例化泛型之前会是什么;但是{<1}}方法在实例化 之后才会变为可用。我认为你最接近的是声明两个泛型:


(我还没有测试过。编辑:测试,编译好。)我假设Foo中唯一公开可见的东西是程序和功能。如果有其他重要功能(例如类型),它会变得更复杂,然后您可能必须使用嵌套泛型,其中generic type Item is private; type Item_Ref is access all Item; with function Validate (Data_Ptr : Item_Ref) return Boolean; package Foo is function Default_Validate (Data_Ptr : Item_Ref) return Boolean; -- etc. end Foo; generic type Item is private; type Item_Ref is access all Item; package Foo_With_Default_Validator is -- important procedure/function declarations from Foo end Foo_With_Default_Validator; package body Foo_With_Default_Validator is function Default_Validate (Data_Ptr : Item_Ref) return boolean; package My_Foo is new Foo(Item, Item_Ref, Default_Validate); function Default_Validate (Data_Ptr : Item_Ref) return boolean renames My_Foo.Default_Validate; -- and other procedures/functions will be renames of things from My_Foo end Foo_With_Default_Validator; 从外部泛型移动到内部泛型,或者您可能能够使用通用的正式包将通用分为两部分。在任何一种情况下,泛型的用户可能必须执行两个实例化。如果上述解决方案有效,那么用户将实例化with function ValidateFoo,但它将是一个或另一个 - 不需要两个实例化。如果您需要更多帮助,我认为我们需要查看Foo_With_Default_Validator的可见部分。



然后在generic type Item is private; type Item_Ref is access all Item; Validate : access function (Data_Ptr : Item_Ref) return Boolean := null; package Foo is function Default_Validate (Data_Ptr : Item_Ref) return Boolean; -- etc. end Foo; 的正文中,你需要一个像这样的函数:


每当您想要调用验证函数时,从身体的其余部分调用function Perform_Validate (Data_Ptr : Item_Ref) return Boolean is begin if Validate = null then return Default_Validate (Data_Ptr); else return Validate (Data_Ptr); end if; end Perform_Validate; 。 (Perform_Validate可以使用新的Ada 2012功能更简洁地编写,但你明白了。)

答案 1 :(得分:0)

如你所知,通用版定义了一个函数Default_Validate,因为关键字 function 前面有 { {1}} 即可。你应该拥有的是:





    type Item is private;
    type Item_Ref is access all Item;

    with function Default_Validate (Data_Ptr : Item_Ref) return Boolean;
    -- A function "Validate", which defaults to 'Default_Validate'.
    with function Validate (Data_Ptr : Item_Ref) return Boolean is Default_Validate;
package Foo is
    -- function Default_Validate (Data_Ptr : Item_Ref) return Boolean;
end Foo;


    type Item is private;
    type Item_Ref is access all Item;

    -- A function "Validate", which defaults to 'Validate'. The function
    -- needs to be visible when the generic is instantiated, not here
    -- where the generic is defined.
    with function Validate (Data_Ptr : Item_Ref) return Boolean is <>;
package Foo is
    -- Just a stub.
end Foo;

    Type Some_Integer_Access is access all Integer;
    function Validate (Data_Ptr : Some_Integer_Access) return Boolean is (true);

    Package K is new Foo( Item     => Integer,
                          Item_Ref => Some_Integer_Access

答案 2 :(得分:0)



这可能是最好的方法来解决这个问题;毕竟你正在谈论数据的验证......以及可能有意外行为的默认行为。 (任何进出系统的类型都应该被验证;例如文件读取,数据库读取,用户输入等。)




The Valid attribute can be used to check the validity of data produced by unchecked conversion, input, interface to foreign languages, and the like.

所以我们有一个默认的验证 我们还有一种方法可以将属性置于函数形式参数的默认值中 我们有一种默认可见功能的方法 最后我们有嵌套泛型。

现在没有通用的正式类型scalar,这在这里很有用......但我们有办法限制形式参数的类型Type T(<>) is (<>)仅限于整数数字,模块类型和枚举...我们所知道的所有都是标量类型。

    Type Item(<>) is (<>);
Package Generic_Base is
    -- To use this as a Ada-95 pkg delete everything after 'Boolean',
    -- create a body and return X'Valid from the implementation.
    Function Default_Validate(X : Item) Return Boolean is (X'Valid);

        with function Validate(X:Item) return Boolean is Default_Validate;
    Package Generic_Nested is
        -- Operations requiring validation.
    End Generic_Nested;

End Generic_Base;


Package Base is new Generic_Base( Integer );
Package Nested is new Base.Generic_Nested;




Ada's Generic Formal Type System

没有语法突出显示,因为它看起来像 可怕

答案 3 :(得分:0)

你真的继续移动球门柱。总而言之,你的新增内容是可怕的:它们根本不编译,它们是明显剪切和粘贴代码的一小部分,如功能名称不匹配所证明的那样(例如Int_Is_Valid / {{1} })。




generic Type Item is private; Default : in Item; package SIGNATURE is end SIGNATURE;


with System, SIGNATURE; generic with package Item_Pkg is new SIGNATURE(<>); Addr : System.Address; with function Is_Valid(X : Item_Pkg.Item) return Boolean is <>; package Foo is use Item_Pkg; function Read_Eeprom return Item; function Is_Valid (Data_Ptr : access Item) return Boolean; private Port : Item; pragma Volatile( Port ); Pragma Import( Convention => Ada, Entity => Port ); For Port'Address Use Addr; end Foo;


package body Foo is function Read_Eeprom return Item is Result : constant Item:= Port; begin if Is_Valid(Result) then return Result; else return Default; end if; end Read_Eeprom; function Is_Valid (Data_Ptr : access Item) return Boolean is begin return Is_Valid(Data_Ptr.all); end Is_Valid; end Foo;


package Driver is MAX_INT : constant Integer := 100; MIN_INT : constant Integer := 0; -- Special / Non-Scaler Type type Pair_Type is record X : Integer; Y : Integer; end record; -- Is Valid **USING OVERLOADS** function Is_Valid(Int : Integer ) return Boolean; function Is_Valid(Pair : Pair_Type) return Boolean; My_Int : Integer; My_Pair : Pair_Type; private Default_Pair : constant Pair_Type := (0,0); Default_Integer : constant Integer := 0; end Driver;


考虑到围绕with Foo, SIGNATURE; package body Driver is -- Is Valid function Is_Valid(Int : Integer) return Boolean is (Int <= MAX_INT and Int >= MIN_INT); function Is_Valid(Pair : Pair_Type) return Boolean is (Pair.X'Valid and Pair.Y'Valid); package Int_pkg is new SIGNATURE(Integer, 0); package Pair_Pkg is new SIGNATURE(Pair_Type, Default_Pair); -- Using defaults for Is_Valid. package Int_Obj is new Foo (Item_Pkg => Int_Pkg, Addr => My_Int'Address ); package Pair_Obj is new Foo(Item_Pkg => Pair_Pkg, Addr => My_Pair'Address ); end Driver; 类型的代码的相当明显的结构,我猜你正试图从C或C ++“导入”知识。如果您尝试使用Ada,那将会给您带来很多麻烦/工作,就像它是C风格的语言一样。

此外,坐下来,屏住呼吸,思考问题空间和建筑物in terms of types可能是有益的。