每当我尝试输入一百或更高的值时,我得到输出“零”。 (很可能意味着我试图转换的数字是零,当它不应该是。)
提前感谢您的帮助。 ^^
示例输入将是: one_hundred_forty_four + two_hundred_thirty_eight
正确输出: three_hundred_eighty_two
电流输出: 零
using namespace std;
* Map units digits into words
string units[] = {
"", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine",
"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen",
"seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"
* Map tens digits into words
string tens[] = {
"", "ten", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"
* Splits a string into components
* @param words array for the components (assumed large enough)
* @param base the string to split
* @param separator the separator character
* @return pointer to the first unused element in the array
string* split(string* words, string base, char separator) {
string* result = words;
istringstream input(base);
string token;
while (getline(input, token, separator)) {
if (token.length() > 0 && token != "and") {
if (token == "hundred") {
*--result += "_hundred";
} else if (token == "thousand") {
*--result += "_thousand";
} else if (token == "million") {
*--result += "_million";
} else {
*result++ = token;
return result;
* Joins an array of component strings into a single string
* @param words pointer to first component
* @param end pointer to the component beyond the last
* @param separator the separator character
* @return the joined string
string join(string* words, string* end, char separator) {
string result;
if (words < end) {
for (string* w = words + 1; w < end; w++) {
result.append(separator + *w);
return result;
* Writes number words into an array
* @param words array to store the words
* @param n the number to write
* @return pointer to the first unused element
string* write_value(string* words, int n) {
string* result = words;
int t = (n % 100) / 10;
int u = (n % 10);
if (t == 1) { // fixes teens
u += 10;
if (t) {
*result++ = tens[t];
if (u) {
*result++ = units[u];
return result;
* Reads an array of number words
* @param words the number words to read
* @param end pointer to the word beyond the last
* @return the value read
int read_value(string* words, string* end) {
int result = 0;
string* w = words;
for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
if (*w == tens[i]) {
result += 10 * i;
w += 1;
for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
if (*w == units[i]) {
result += i;
return result;
* Writes a number word string
* @param n the number to write
* @return the word string
string Wordnum::write_number(int n) {
string result;
string words[20];
string* end;
if (n == 0) {
result = "zero";
} else if (n < 0) {
end = write_value(words, -n);
result = "negative_" + join(words, end, '_');
} else {
if (n > 100) {
end = write_value(words, n);
result = join(words, end, '_') + "hundred_";
} else if (n > 1000) {
end = write_value(words, n);
result = join(words, end, '_') + "thousand_";
} else if (n > 1000000) {
end = write_value(words, n);
result = join(words, end, '_') + "million_";
end = write_value(words, n);
result = join(words, end, '_');
return result;
* Reads a number word string
* @param n the string to read
* @return the value read
int Wordnum::read_number(string n) {
int result;
string words[20];
for (int i = 0; i < n.length(); i++) {
n[i] = tolower(n[i]);
if (n[i] == '-') n[i] = '_';
string* end = split(words, n, '_');
if (end == words || words[0] == "zero") {
result = 0;
} else if (words[0] == "negative") {
result = -read_value(words + 1, end);
} else {
result = read_value(words, end);
for (int i = 0; i < n.length(); i++) {
if (words[i] == "hundred") {
result = read_value(words - 1, end) * 100;
} else if (words[i] == "thousand") {
result = read_value(words - 1, end) * 1000;
} else if (words[i] == "million") {
result = read_value(words - 1, end) * 1000000;
return result;
* Inserts a Wordnum into an output stream as a word string
* @param os the stream to insert into
* @param n the value to insert
* @return the modified stream
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Wordnum& n) {
return os << Wordnum::write_number(n.value_);
* Extracts a Wordnum in word string form from an input stream
* @param is the stream to extract from
* @param n the value to assign
* @return the modified stream
istream& operator>>(istream& is, Wordnum& n) {
string text;
if (is >> text) {
n.value_ = Wordnum::read_number(text);
return is;
#ifndef WORDNUM_H_
#define WORDNUM_H_
#include <string>
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
* A class to read and write numbers in word form
class Wordnum {
* Writes a number word string
* @param n the number to write
* @return the word string
static std::string write_number(int n);
* Reads a number word string
* @param n the string to read
* @return the value read
static int read_number(std::string n);
* Creates a new Wordnum for a given value
* @param n the value of the number
Wordnum(int n = 0) {
value_ = n;
* Creates a new Wordnum from a word string
* @param n the value of the number
Wordnum(std::string n) {
value_ = read_number(n);
* Creates a new Wordnum as a copy of another
* @param n the value to copy
Wordnum(const Wordnum& n) {
value_ = n.value_;
* Makes this equivalent to n
* @param n the value to copy
* @return the modified Wordnum
Wordnum& operator =(const Wordnum& n) {
value_ = n.value_;
return *this;
* Converts a Wordnum to an int
* @return the value as an int
operator int () const {
return value_;
* Converts a Wordnum to a string
* @return the value as a word string
operator std::string() const {
return write_number(value_);
* Inserts a Wordnum into an output stream as a word string
* @param os the stream to insert into
* @param n the value to insert
* @return the modified stream
friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &os, const Wordnum& n);
* Extracts a Wordnum in word string form from an input stream
* @param is the stream to extract from
* @param n the value to assign
* @return the modified stream
friend std::istream& operator >>(std::istream &is, Wordnum& n);
* Returns sum of n1 and n2
friend Wordnum operator +(const Wordnum& n1, const Wordnum& n2) {
return Wordnum(n1.value_ + n2.value_);
* Returns difference of n1 and n2
friend Wordnum operator -(const Wordnum& n1, const Wordnum& n2) {
return Wordnum(n1.value_ - n2.value_);
* Returns product of n1 and n2
friend Wordnum operator *(const Wordnum& n1, const Wordnum& n2) {
return Wordnum(n1.value_ * n2.value_);
* Returns quotient of n1 and n2
friend Wordnum operator /(const Wordnum& n1, const Wordnum& n2) {
return Wordnum(n1.value_ / n2.value_);
int value_;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
从字符转换为整数并不是直截了当的 char *(cstring)是一个char数组, 其中每个元素的大小为一个字节(8位)
整数是4个字节(32位),因此, 正确地从char转换为int你 必须用char填充4个字节中的每一个。 换句话说,你需要4个字符才能生成一个int。
好像这还不够,还有另外一个因素 这需要考虑在内。 字节序 (我会把它留给你看看)你的 需要考虑系统。Endianness决定系统如何存储数据。 例如,以16位整数表示存储数字2 您的系统可以通过以下两种方式之一存储它:
方式1:00000010 00000000
方式2:00000000 00000010
因为16位整数可以存储在2个字节中 要么是从右到左,要么从左到右。 Here 是一张照片。
这是执行endian检查所需的代码 从char *(cstring)转换为int(32位整数)
bool isBigEndian(){
int a = 1;
return !((char*)&a)[0];
int convertToInt(char *charArr, int len){ //len should be <= 4
int a = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
((char*)&a)[i] = charArr[i];
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
((char*)&a)[3-i] = charArr[i];
return a;
因为代码适用于大小为4或更小的char *数组,任何更多的代码都不起作用 因为整数不能超过4个字节。我建议查看big endian vs little endian 在你看代码之前它会更有意义。如果你直截了当地知道这是怎么做的,你可以转换为其他类型的常规int,你可以转换为Uint16(16位)或Uint8(8位;完美的大小,一次存储一个char;)