
时间:2013-11-13 20:28:34

标签: vba batch-file


sFTP = "ftp -s:FTPCMD.TXT > Z:\Recon\FTPUtilSrc\ftprslt.txt"
Open sFileName For Output As #2
Print #2, sFTP
'Print #2, "EXIT"
Close #2
oShell.Run sFileName, 0, True    


sFileName = "Z:\Recon\FTPUtilSrc\MYFTP.BAT"
sFTP = "ftp -s:FTPCMD.TXT > Z:\Recon\FTPUtilSrc\ftprslt.txt"
Open sFileName For Output As #2
Print #2, sFTP
Print #2, "EXIT"
Close #2
oShell.run sFileName, 0, True

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


Dim cmd_str As String
cmd_str = "cmd.exe /C ftp -s:FTPCMD.TXT > Z:\Recon\FTPUtilSrc\ftprslt.txt"
Call Shell(cmd_str, vbNormalFocus)

答案 1 :(得分:0)


sFileName = "Z:\Recon\FTPUtilSrc\MYFTP.BAT"
sFTP = "ftp -s:FTPCMD.TXT > Z:\Recon\FTPUtilSrc\ftprslt.txt"
Open sFileName For Output As #2
Print #2, sFTP
Print #2, "PAUSE" 'PAUSE forces the command prompt window to stay open.  This temporarily allows you to see if there are any issues with the ftp statment.
Close #2
oShell.run sFileName, 0, True '3 is "Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window." according to msdn.  This will allow you to see the execution of the ftp statment


Public Sub TestBat()
    Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    sFileName = "C:\Temp\MYECHO.bat" '"Z:\Recon\FTPUtilSrc\MYFTP.BAT"
    sFTP = "echo ""hi"" > C:\Temp\test.txt" '"ftp -s:FTPCMD.TXT > Z:\Recon\FTPUtilSrc\ftprslt.txt"
    Open sFileName For Output As #2
    Print #2, sFTP
    Print #2, "PAUSE"
    Close #2
    oShell.Run sFileName, 3, True
End Sub