addon sdk Panel不接收来自内容脚本的通信

时间:2013-11-11 18:02:20

标签: javascript firefox-addon firefox-addon-sdk addeventlistener


  1. 打开FF

    addon: loaded
  2. 点击widget图标

    console.log: addon: shown
    console.log: addon: getting prefs
    console.log: addon: sending prefs
  3. 点击cancelButton

    console.log: addon: Clicked: Cancel
    console.log: addon: Recieved .. Cancel
    console.log: addon: hid
    console.log: addon: loaded
  4. 重复..

  5. 在这种情况下,这四个步骤共执行了4次,即16次操作 以下是该执行的调试信息,
    为什么在//console.log: addon: loaded被点击4次后输出cancelButton 而不是console.log: addon: Recieved .. Cancel

    addon: loaded // 1st iteration
    JavaScript strict warning: chrome://browser/content/urlbarBindings.xml, line 672: reference to undefined property this._value
    JavaScript error: chrome://browser/content/urlbarBindings.xml, line 654: aUrl is undefined
    console.log: addon: shown
    console.log: addon: getting prefs
    console.log: addon: sending prefs
    console.log: addon: Clicked: Cancel
    console.log: addon: Recieved .. Cancel
    console.log: addon: hid
    console.log: addon: loaded // 2nd iteration
    console.log: addon: shown
    console.log: addon: getting prefs
    console.log: addon: sending prefs
    console.log: addon: Clicked: Cancel
    console.log: addon: Recieved .. Cancel
    console.log: addon: hid
    console.log: addon: loaded // 3rd iteration
    console.log: addon: shown
    console.log: addon: getting prefs
    console.log: addon: sending prefs
    console.log: addon: Clicked: Cancel
    console.log: addon: Recieved .. Cancel
    console.log: addon: hid
    console.log: addon: loaded // 4th iteration
    console.log: addon: shown
    console.log: addon: getting prefs
    console.log: addon: sending prefs
    console.log: addon: Clicked: Cancel
    //console.log: addon: loaded

    Panel是使用main.js中的Panel.init();创建的,但从未再次调用过。 用户点击Panel时会显示widget

    var Panel = require("sdk/panel"),
    exports.init = function() {
        confirmation = Panel.Panel({
            width: 450,
            height: 325,
            contentURL: require("sdk/self").data.url("html/ConfirmPanel.html"),
            contentScriptWhen: "ready",
            contentScriptFile: [ require("sdk/self").data.url("js/ConfirmPanel.js") ],
            onShow: function() { console.log("shown"); getPreferences(); },
            onHide: function() { console.log("hid"); },
            onError: function() { console.log("error"); }
        confirmation.port.on("getPrefs", function () {
        confirmation.port.on("click", function (action) {
            console.log("Recieved .. " + action);
              id: "widget",
              label: "addon",
              contentURL: require("sdk/self").data.url("images/addon.png"),
              panel: confirmation,
    function getPreferences() {
        console.log("getting prefs");
        var prefs = '{'
            +'"fileName":"' + File.createFileName() + '", '
            +'"pathToFile":"' + File.getPathToFile() + '"'
        console.log("sending prefs");
        confirmation.port.emit("prefs", prefs);


            <meta charset="UTF-8" />   
                            <div data-l10n-id="fileName_title"></div>
                            <textarea id="fileName" rows="1" cols="20"></textarea>
                            <div data-l10n-id="pathToFile_title"></div>
                            <textarea id="pathToFile" readonly="true"></textarea>
                            <button id="pathToFileButton">
                                <div data-l10n-id="browse_title"></div>
                            <button id="saveButton">Save</button>
                            <button id="cancelButton">Cancel</button>


    // listen for preferences message from addon code and set values of Panel UI
    self.port.on("prefs", function (prefs) {
        var parsedPrefs = JSON.parse(prefs);
        document.getElementById("fileName").value = parsedPrefs.fileName;
        document.getElementById("pathToFile").value = parsedPrefs.pathToFile;
    document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
        e = e || window.event;
        var target = || e.srcElement,
            text = target.textContent || text.innerText;   
        console.log("Clicked: " + text);
        self.port.emit("click", text);
    }, true);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


<button type="button" id="saveButton">Save</button>