如何使`git-p4 sync`工作?

时间:2013-11-09 00:50:14

标签: git-p4

我使用git-p4.py clone成功创建了一个名为'scaffold'的git分支。

我现在想要将最新的Perforce更改同步到git分支,所以我正在尝试git-p4.py sync --branch=scaffold,但所有这些都是以下输出:

Syncing with origin first, using "git fetch origin"
Creating/updating branch(es) in refs/remotes/p4/ based on origin branch(es)
Performing incremental import into scaffold git branch
Depot paths: //depot/depot/path/to/code/
No changes to import!

之后,git statusnothing to commit (working directory clean)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

以下内容适用于我的桌面,但在Jenkins上使用fast-import failed失败:

git checkout scaffold
git p4 sync --branch=scaffold //depot/path/to/code/...@all
git push ssh://git@example.com:7999/repository/project.git +remotes/p4/scaffold:scaffold