我写了一个简单的Depth-First搜索算法,但是无法正确构建补丁。我很难理解,为什么 - 所以,基本上,需要你的帮助,伙计们:)
public void Search(String from, String to) {
String depart = from;
String destin = to;
if ( (NoChildren(depart) == false)
&& (!depart.equalsIgnoreCase(destin)) ) {
while (!depart.equalsIgnoreCase(to)) {
depart = getChildren(depart);
public boolean NoChildren(String from) {
boolean noChildren = false;
int counter = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < Flights.size(); j++) {
FlightInfo flight = (FlightInfo)Flights.elementAt(j);
if (flight.from().equalsIgnoreCase(from)) {
if (counter == 0) {
noChildren = true;
return noChildren;
public String getChildren(String from) {
for(int j = 0; j < Flights.size(); j++) {
FlightInfo flight = (FlightInfo)Flights.elementAt(j);
if (flight.from().equalsIgnoreCase(from)) {
return openStack.pop().toString();
我只是为了清理时间更长,并计划优化它 - 只需要让它首先正常工作:))
好吧,主要问题在于closeStack,它意味着包含从开始到结束的路径 - 但现在,它包含所检查的算法: - [
答案 0 :(得分:4)
尽管对你的明显目的有用,但仅仅找到路线(即所访问的机场的行程)可能还不够;你可能想要一个到达那里的航班列表。当然,请注意,可能有多个具有相同行程的航班组合 - 此代码只找到第一个。
public class Maxim {
* Create a Maxim instance and run a search on it.
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Maxim maxim = new Maxim();
Route r = maxim.findRoute("FCO", "DNV"); // tests a single origin/destination pair
if (r == null) {
System.out.println("No route found");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
* A simple Flight. Contains a flight number and only a single leg.
* number: Flight number
* dep: Departure airport
* arr: Arrival airport
class Flight {
final String number, dep, arr;
public Flight(String number, String departure, String arrival) {
this.number = number; this.dep = departure; this.arr = arrival;
public String toString() {
return "Flight [number=" + this.number + ", dep=" + this.dep + ", arr=" + this.arr + "]";
* Airport: A city and a list of Flights originating from it.
class Airport {
public final String city;
public List<Flight> flights = new ArrayList<Flight>();
public Airport(String city) {
this.city = city;
public String toString() {
return "Airport [city=" + this.city + ", flights=" + this.flights + "]";
* Route: A list of flights that get a traveller from a given origin to a destination.
static class Route extends ArrayList<Flight> { }
* Our known list of flights. It's not really needed after initialization.
private List<Flight> flights = new ArrayList<Flight>();
* List of airports. These constitute the graph we search.
private Map<String, Airport> airports = new HashMap<String, Airport>();
* Constructor. Constructs the "airports" graph from a list of "flights" read from a file.
public Maxim() throws Exception {
// Read flights from file into list "flights".
// The file contains strings like " 696KGDWAW" = flight number, departure airport, arrival airport
BufferedReader flightReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("/home/carl/XX.flights"));
while (true) {
String flt = flightReader.readLine();
if (flt == null) break;
flights.add(new Flight(flt.substring(0,4), flt.substring(4, 7), flt.substring(7, 10)));
// Create a map of each airport to a list of Flights departing from it.
// This is the graph we'll be doing BFS on.
for (Flight flight : flights) {
String from = flight.dep;
if (!airports.containsKey(from)) {
Airport port = new Airport(from);
airports.put(from, port);
} else {
Airport port = airports.get(from);
Algorithm (from Wikipedia):
1. Enqueue the root node.
2. Dequeue a node and examine it.
If the element sought is found in this node, quit the search and return a result.
Otherwise enqueue any successors (the direct child nodes) that have not yet been discovered.
3. If the queue is empty, every node on the graph has been examined – quit the search and return "not found".
4. Repeat from Step 2.
public Route findRoute(String origin, String destination) {
Queue<Airport> queue = new LinkedList<Airport>();
Map<Airport, Flight> backtrack = new HashMap<Airport, Flight>();
Airport oriApt = this.airports.get(origin);
if (oriApt == null) return null; // origin airport not found - no solution
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
Airport apt = queue.remove();
if (apt == null) break;
if (apt.city.equals(destination)) { // Made it to destination; create the route and return it
Route toHere = new Route();
while (apt != oriApt) {
Flight flt = backtrack.get(apt);
apt = airports.get(flt.dep);
return toHere;
// enqueue all new airports reachable from this airport.
// record the flight that got us there in backtrack.
for (Flight flt: apt.flights) {
Airport destApt = airports.get(flt.arr);
if (backtrack.containsKey(destApt)) continue; // we've been to this destination before - ignore
backtrack.put(destApt, flt);
// if we're here, we didn't find anything.
return null;