
时间:2013-11-07 13:01:18

标签: html jqgrid



    {multipleSearch:true,overlay:false, null});

addSettings = {
  savekey: [true,13],
  onclickSubmit: function (options, postdata) {
      // expected to find grid id in options, but didn't find it.


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我希望我能正确理解你的问题。您可以在页面上创建多个网格,并将导航栏添加到网格中。问题可能出现在the referenced demo的旧代码中,我为the old answer做了准备。

答案是在jqGrid版本3.8.2时编写的。之后,表单编辑的代码发生了变化,因此this将在onclickSubmit内的当前编辑网格的DOM上设置,就像所有其他jqGrid回调内部一样。因此,可以使用$(this)来访问网格。为jqGrid 4.4.1创建了More recent demo,我发布了the answer

我从两个引用的答案中查看了本地格式编辑的代码,但当前版本的jqGrid(4.5.4)包含了调整代码所需的更多更改。所以我再次修改了我的演示。 The resulting demo似乎我在jqGrid 4.5.4中正常工作。这是我在下面包含的代码:

var mydata = [
        {id: "1",  invdate: "2013-11-01", name: "test",   note: "note",   amount: "200.00", tax: "10.00", closed: true,  ship_via: "TN", total: "210.00"},
        {id: "2",  invdate: "2013-11-02", name: "test2",  note: "note2",  amount: "300.00", tax: "20.00", closed: false, ship_via: "FE", total: "320.00"},
        {id: "3",  invdate: "2013-09-01", name: "test3",  note: "note3",  amount: "400.00", tax: "30.00", closed: false, ship_via: "FE", total: "430.00"},
        {id: "4",  invdate: "2013-11-04", name: "test4",  note: "note4",  amount: "200.00", tax: "10.00", closed: true,  ship_via: "TN", total: "210.00"},
        {id: "5",  invdate: "2013-11-31", name: "test5",  note: "note5",  amount: "300.00", tax: "20.00", closed: false, ship_via: "FE", total: "320.00"},
        {id: "6",  invdate: "2013-09-06", name: "test6",  note: "note6",  amount: "400.00", tax: "30.00", closed: false, ship_via: "FE", total: "430.00"},
        {id: "7",  invdate: "2013-11-04", name: "test7",  note: "note7",  amount: "200.00", tax: "10.00", closed: true,  ship_via: "TN", total: "210.00"},
        {id: "8",  invdate: "2013-11-03", name: "test8",  note: "note8",  amount: "300.00", tax: "20.00", closed: false, ship_via: "FE", total: "320.00"},
        {id: "9",  invdate: "2013-09-01", name: "test9",  note: "note9",  amount: "400.00", tax: "30.00", closed: false, ship_via: "TN", total: "430.00"},
        {id: "10", invdate: "2013-09-08", name: "test10", note: "note10", amount: "500.00", tax: "30.00", closed: true,  ship_via: "TN", total: "530.00"},
        {id: "11", invdate: "2013-09-08", name: "test11", note: "note11", amount: "500.00", tax: "30.00", closed: false, ship_via: "FE", total: "530.00"},
        {id: "12", invdate: "2013-09-10", name: "test12", note: "note12", amount: "500.00", tax: "30.00", closed: false, ship_via: "FE", total: "530.00"}
    onclickSubmitLocal = function (options, postdata) {
        var $this = $(this), p = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam"),// p = this.p,
            idname = p.prmNames.id,
            id = this.id,
            idInPostdata = id + "_id",
            rowid = postdata[idInPostdata],
            addMode = rowid === "_empty",

        // postdata has row id property with another name. we fix it:
        if (addMode) {
            // generate new id
            newId = $.jgrid.randId();
            while ($("#" + newId).length !== 0) {
                newId = $.jgrid.randId();
            postdata[idname] = String(newId);
        } else if (postdata[idname] === undefined) {
            // set id property only if the property not exist
            postdata[idname] = rowid;
        delete postdata[idInPostdata];

        // prepare postdata for tree grid
        if (p.treeGrid === true) {
            if (addMode) {
                idOfTreeParentNode = p.treeGridModel === "adjacency" ? p.treeReader.parent_id_field : "parent_id";
                postdata[idOfTreeParentNode] = p.selrow;

            $.each(p.treeReader, function () {
                if (postdata.hasOwnProperty(this)) {
                    delete postdata[this];

        // decode data if there encoded with autoencode
        if (p.autoencode) {
            $.each(postdata, function (n, v) {
                postdata[n] = $.jgrid.htmlDecode(v); // TODO: some columns could be skipped

        // save old value from the sorted column
        oldValueOfSortColumn = p.sortname === "" ? undefined : $this.jqGrid("getCell", rowid, p.sortname);

        // save the data in the grid
        if (p.treeGrid === true) {
            if (addMode) {
                $this.jqGrid("addChildNode", newId, p.selrow, postdata);
            } else {
                $this.jqGrid("setTreeRow", rowid, postdata);
        } else {
            if (addMode) {
                $this.jqGrid("addRowData", newId, postdata, options.addedrow);
            } else {
                $this.jqGrid("setRowData", rowid, postdata);

        if ((addMode && options.closeAfterAdd) || (!addMode && options.closeAfterEdit)) {
            // close the edit/add dialog
            $.jgrid.hideModal("#editmod" + $.jgrid.jqID(id), {
                gb: "#gbox_" + $.jgrid.jqID(id),
                jqm: options.jqModal,
                onClose: options.onClose

        if (postdata[p.sortname] !== oldValueOfSortColumn) {
            // if the data are changed in the column by which are currently sorted
            // we need resort the grid
            setTimeout(function () {
                $this.trigger("reloadGrid", [{current: true}]);
            }, 100);

        // !!! the most important step: skip ajax request to the server
        options.processing = true;
        return {};
    editSettings = {
        //recreateForm: true,
        jqModal: false,
        reloadAfterSubmit: false,
        closeOnEscape: true,
        savekey: [true, 13],
        closeAfterEdit: true,
        onclickSubmit: onclickSubmitLocal
    addSettings = {
        //recreateForm: true,
        jqModal: false,
        reloadAfterSubmit: false,
        savekey: [true, 13],
        closeOnEscape: true,
        closeAfterAdd: true,
        onclickSubmit: onclickSubmitLocal
    delSettings = {
        // because I use "local" data I don't want to send the changes to the server
        // so I use "processing:true" setting and delete the row manually in onclickSubmit
        onclickSubmit: function (options, rowid) {
            var $this = $(this), id = $.jgrid.jqID(this.id), p = this.p,
                newPage = p.page;

            // reset the value of processing option to true to
            // skip the ajax request to "clientArray".
            options.processing = true;

            // delete the row
            $this.jqGrid("delRowData", rowid);
            if (p.treeGrid) {
                $this.jqGrid("delTreeNode", rowid);
            } else {
                $this.jqGrid("delRowData", rowid);
            $.jgrid.hideModal("#delmod" + id, {
                gb: "#gbox_" + id,
                jqm: options.jqModal,
                onClose: options.onClose

            if (p.lastpage > 1) {// on the multipage grid reload the grid
                if (p.reccount === 0 && newPage === p.lastpage) {
                    // if after deliting there are no rows on the current page
                    // which is the last page of the grid
                    newPage--; // go to the previous page
                // reload grid to make the row from the next page visable.
                $this.trigger("reloadGrid", [{page: newPage}]);

            return true;
        processing: true
    initDateEdit = function (elem) {
        setTimeout(function () {
                dateFormat: "dd-M-yy",
                showOn: "button",
                changeYear: true,
                changeMonth: true,
                showButtonPanel: true,
                showWeek: true
        }, 50);
    initDateSearch = function (elem) {
        setTimeout(function () {
                dateFormat: "dd-M-yy",
                changeYear: true,
                changeMonth: true,
                showButtonPanel: true,
                showWeek: true
        }, 50);
    removeTheOptionAll = function (elem) {
        // We use "value" in the searchoption property of some columns of the colModel.
        // The option {"": "All"} neams "No filter" and should be displayed only
        // in the searching toolbar and not in the searching dialog.
        // So we use dataInit:removeTheOptionAll inside of searchoptions to remove
        // the option {"": "All"} in case of the searching dialog
        if (elem != null && typeof elem.id === "string") {
            if (elem.id.substr(0, 3) !== "gs_") {
                // we are NOT in the searching bar

    datatype: "local",
    data: mydata,
    colNames: ["Client", "Date", "Amount", "Tax", "Total", "Closed", "Shipped via", "Notes"],
    colModel: [
        {name: "name", width: 60, editrules: {required: true}},
        {name: "invdate", width: 80, align: "center", sorttype: "date",
            formatter: "date", formatoptions: {newformat: "d-M-Y"},
            editoptions: {dataInit: initDateEdit, size: 14},
            searchoptions: {dataInit: initDateSearch}},
        {name: "amount", width: 70, formatter: "number", align: "right"},
        {name: "tax", width: 50, formatter: "number", align: "right"},
        {name: "total", width: 60, formatter: "number", align: "right"},
        {name: "closed", width: 70, align: "center", formatter: "checkbox",
            edittype: "checkbox", editoptions: {value: "Yes:No", defaultValue: "Yes"},
            stype: "select",
            searchoptions: {
                sopt: ["eq", "ne"],
                value: ":All;true:Yes;false:No",
                dataInit: removeTheOptionAll
        {name: "ship_via", width: 100, align: "center", formatter: "select",
            edittype: "select", editoptions: {value: "FE:FedEx;TN:TNT;IN:Intim", defaultValue: "TN"},
            stype: "select",
            searchoptions: {
                sopt: ["eq", "ne"],
                value: ":All;FE:FedEx;TN:TNT;IN:Intim",
                dataInit: removeTheOptionAll
        {name: "note", width: 60, sortable: false, edittype: "textarea"}
    cmTemplate: {editable: true, searchoptions: {clearSearch: false }},
    rowNum: 10,
    rowList: [5, 10, 20],
    pager: "#pager",
    gridview: true,
    rownumbers: true,
    autoencode: true,
    ignoreCase: true,
    sortname: "invdate",
    viewrecords: true,
    sortorder: "desc",
    caption: "Demonstrates implementating of local form editing",
    height: "100%",
    editurl: "clientArray",
    ondblClickRow: function (rowid) {
        var $this = $(this), p = this.p;
        if (p.selrow !== rowid) {
            // prevent the row from be unselected on double-click
            // the implementation is for "multiselect:false" which we use,
            // but one can easy modify the code for "multiselect:true"
            $this.jqGrid("setSelection", rowid);
        $this.jqGrid("editGridRow", rowid, editSettings);
}).jqGrid("navGrid", "#pager", {}, editSettings, addSettings, delSettings, {
    multipleSearch: true,
    overlay: false,
    onClose: function () {
        // if we close the search dialog during the datapicker are opened
        // the datepicker will stay opened. To fix this we have to hide
        // the div used by datepicker
}).jqGrid("filterToolbar", { defaultSearch: "cn" });