是否可以在Java ConcurrentLinkedQueue的元素上查看()

时间:2009-12-30 22:13:12

标签: java concurrency

我有一个程序,它有多个PublisherTask和SubscriberTask类型的对象。 给定订户可以订阅一个或多个发布者 为了描述我的问题,我将发布一些代码......

abstract class Publication {
    // some published information

class ConcretePublicationA extends Publication {


class ConcretePublicationB extends Publication {


abstract class Subscription {
    private final long id;
    private final Subscriber s;
    // PLUS some other members relating to the subscription

    protected Subscription(long id, Subscriber s){
        this.id = id;
        this.s =s;

    public Subscriber getSubscriber() {
        return this.s;


class ConcreteSubscriptionA extends Subscription {

    protected ConcreteSubscriptionA(long id, Subscriber s) {
        super(id, s);
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub


class ConcreteSubscriptionB extends Subscription {

    protected ConcreteSubscriptionB(long id, Subscriber s) {
        super(id, s);
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub


interface Subscriber {
    public void update(Publication pub);

interface Publisher {
    public Subscription subscribe(Subscriber subscriber);

abstract class PublisherTask implements Runnable, Publisher {
    private final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Subscription> subscribers =
        new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Subscription>();
    Long subscriptionId = 0L;

    public void run() {
        /*obviously this is a different variable in a real program*/
        boolean some_condition = true;

        while(some_condition) {
            // do some work
            Publication pub = /* new ConcretePublication(....) */ null;

            for (Subscription s : subscribers.values()) {


    public Subscription subscribe(Subscriber subscriber) {
        Subscription sub;

        synchronized(subscriptionId) {
            /* the lines below are in a function in the sub-class,
             *  but for brevity I'm showing them here
            sub = new ConcreteSubscriptionA(++subscriptionId, subscriber);
                    subscribers.put(subscriptionId, sub);
        return sub ;


abstract class SubscriberTask implements Runnable, Subscriber {

    protected ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Publication> newPublications =
        new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Publication>();

    public void run() {
        /*obviously this is a different variable in a real program*/
        boolean some_condition = true;

        while(some_condition) {
            // do some work
            Publication pub = newPublications.peek();

        /* the lines below are in a function in the sub-class,
         *  but for brevity I'm showing them here
            if (pub instanceof ConcretePublicationA) {
                // Do something with the published data
            } else if (pub instanceof ConcretePublicationB) {
                // Do something with the published data

    public void update(Publication pub) {

        /* My question relates to this method:
             * Bascially to avoid memory issues I would like existing
             * unprocessed publications **Of Tth Same Type As The New One**
             * to be discarded
        Publication existing = null;

        do {
            //This won't work coz peek() only looks at the head of the queue
                    existing = newPublications.peek();

            if ((existing != null) && (existing.getClass().equals(pub))) {
        } while (existing != null);

另外,如果您认为可以对课程进行改进以及如何相互交流,请随时告诉我们 感谢

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


Iterator<Publication> itr = newPublications.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
   Publication existing = itr.next();
   if (existing.getClass().equals(pub)) {




答案 1 :(得分:0)





class ValidCounter  {
    private Map<Class, AtomicLong> counters = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class, AtomicLong>();
    public int getAtomicLongFor(Class clz) {
        AtomicLong ans = counters.get(clz);
        if ( ans == null ) {
            counters.put(clz, new AtomicLong(0));
            return 0;
        return ans.get();


long myValidCounter = validCounterInstance.getAtomicLongFor(getClass()).incrementAndGet();


long currValidCounter = validCounterInstance.getAtomicLongFor(getClass()).get();
if ( pub.getValidCounter() >= currValidCounter ) {
    // still valid so process
} else {
    // superceeded, so ignore

请记住饥饿问题 - 你可能想要添加一些东西,这些东西关心你丢弃了多少或多长时间,而且只是拿了旧东西。
