
时间:2013-11-05 03:10:37

标签: c# winforms


protected void image()
    string str = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(
    string path = str + "\\images\\";
    //Our target folder; change this to the folder to get the images from
    string GivenFolder = str + "\\images\\"; 
    //Initialize a new List of type Image as ImagesInFolder
    List<System.Drawing.Image> ImagesInFolder = new List<System.Drawing.Image>(); 

    // Initialize a new string of name JPEGImages for every string in the 
    // string array returned from the given folder as files 
    foreach (string JPEGImages in Directory.GetFiles(GivenFolder, "*.jpg")) 
        //Add the Image gathered to the List collection
    int x = 0; //Initialize X as int of value 0
    int y = 0; //Initialize Y as int of value 0
    // Initialize i as an int of value 0, continue if i is less than ImagesInFolder 
    // count. Increment i by 1 each time you continue
    for (int i = 0; i < ImagesInFolder.Count; i++) 
        PictureBox I = new PictureBox(); //Initialize a new PictureBox of name I
        I.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(x, y); //Set the PictureBox location to x,y
        x += 50; //Sort horizontally; Increment x by 50
        //y += 50; //Sort vertically; Increment y by 50
        //Set the Image property of I to i in ImagesInFolder as index
        I.Image = ImagesInFolder[i]; 
        //Set the PictureBox Size property to 50,50
        I.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(80, 80); 
        //Stretch the image; maximum width and height are 50,50
        I.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; 

        flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(I); //Add the PictureBox to the FlowLayoutPanel

如何编写函数,以便我可以在新picture box's image的特定图片框的click event中打开特定的winform,因为我正在从代码创建图片框,所以我无法从propwerty窗口中选择事件,所以请指导我如何从代码中执行此操作

private void PictureboxClick_event()
FormtoOpen f=new FormtoOpen();
//.....how that particular image will be displayed ?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



for (int i = 0; i < ImagesInFolder.Count; i++) 
    PictureBox I = new PictureBox(); //Initialize a new PictureBox of name I
    I.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(x, y); //Set the PictureBox location to x,y
    x += 50; //Sort horizontally; Increment x by 50
    //y += 50; //Sort vertically; Increment y by 50
    //Set the Image property of I to i in ImagesInFolder as index
    I.Image = ImagesInFolder[i]; 
    //Set the PictureBox Size property to 50,50
    I.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(80, 80); 
    //Stretch the image; maximum width and height are 50,50
    I.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; 
    //Add the Event handler to the click event
    I.Click += pictureBox_Click;

    flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(I); //Add the PictureBox to the FlowLayoutPanel


private void pictureBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    //This is supposing that you have created a custom constructor of your FormtoOpen that can take the Image
    //You could also create a Property to do the same thing.
    FormtoOpen f = new FormtoOpen(((PictureBox)sender).Image);


public partial class FormtoOpen : Form
    public FormtoOpen( Image img)
        this.BackgroundImage = img;


public void setPicture(Image img)
    this.BackgroundImage = img;


private void pictureBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    FormtoOpen form = new FormtoOpen();


foreach (string JPEGImages in Directory.GetFiles(GivenFolder, "*.jpg"))
    //Add the Image gathered to the List collection
    Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(JPEGImages);
    img.Tag = JPEGImages;


public void setPicture(Image img)
    this.BackgroundImage = img;
    this.Text = img.Tag.ToString(); //The image's Tag property is an object so it needs to be converted to a string

答案 1 :(得分:0)


    PictureBox pic = new PictureBox(); //create picturebox
    pic.Click += pic_Click; // hook click event on picturebox

    void pic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //code here that opens the new form