
时间:2013-11-04 17:54:49

标签: vba

我是Excel VBA的新手。我正在尝试使用我在网上找到的VBA功能,使用户能够一次在多个单元格上使用goalseek。如何在电子表格中调用该函数,以及如何指向应该与函数中的变量关联的单元格(例如Taddr,Aaddr,gval)。我是否必须在代码本身中编写单元格值和范围,然后以这种方式运行它?

也许我应该重新定义函数,以便它将这些变量作为输入,所以我可以写一个像= GSeekA(Taddr,Aaddr,gval)的公式

Option Explicit

Sub GSeekA()
Dim ARange As Range, TRange As Range, Aaddr As String, Taddr As String, NumEq As Long, i As Long, j As Long
Dim TSheet As String, ASheet As String, NumRows As Long, NumCols As Long
Dim GVal As Double, Acell As Range, TCell As Range, Orient As String

    ' Create the following names in the back-solver worksheet:
    ' Taddr - Cell with the address of the target range
    ' Aaddr - Cell with the address of the range to be adjusted
    ' gval - the "goal" value
    ' To reference ranges on different sheets also add:
    ' TSheet - Cell with the sheet name of the target range
    ' ASheet - Cell with the sheet name of the range to be adjusted

    Aaddr = Range("aaddr").Value
    Taddr = Range("taddr").Value

    On Error GoTo NoSheetNames
    ASheet = Range("asheet").Value
    TSheet = Range("tsheet").Value

    On Error GoTo ExitSub
    If ASheet = Empty Or TSheet = Empty Then
        Set ARange = Range(Aaddr)
        Set TRange = Range(Taddr)
        Set ARange = Worksheets(ASheet).Range(Aaddr)
        Set TRange = Worksheets(TSheet).Range(Taddr)
    End If

    NumRows = ARange.Rows.Count
    NumCols = ARange.Columns.Count

    GVal = Range("gval").Value

    For j = 1 To NumCols
        For i = 1 To NumRows
            TRange.Cells(i, j).GoalSeek Goal:=GVal, ChangingCell:=ARange.Cells(i, j)
        Next i
    Next j
End Sub

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Public Sub GSeekA()

    Dim rAdjust As Range
    Dim rTarget As Range
    Dim dGoal As Double
    Dim i As Long

    'Set these three lines to what you want
    Set rAdjust = Sheet1.Range("I2:I322")
    Set rTarget = Sheet1.Range("J2:J322")
    dGoal = 12.1

    For i = 1 To rAdjust.Count
        rTarget.Cells(i).GoalSeek dGoal, rAdjust.Cells(i)
    Next i

End Sub