运行时错误'424'对象必需 - MoveFirst错误

时间:2013-11-01 21:19:13

标签: ms-access access-vba

我有一个登录屏幕,其下拉列表中有来自表tTbl_LoginUsers的MSID MSID对应于PKUserId(这是一个整数),如下所示

1           jjenki02
2           trensc01 


Private Sub CboUser_Click()
Dim MyCon As ADODB.Connection
Dim MyRS As ADODB.Recordset

    Set MyCon = New ADODB.Connection
    MyCon.Open "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=dbswd****;UID=*****;PWD=*****;DATABASE=Regulatory;"
    Set MyRS = New ADODB.Recordset

'/The following code focuses on the DropDown field that the User selects their MSID
'/if MyNum = MSID, then MoveFirst to get the PKUserID(Column 1)from tTbl_LoginUsers
MyNum = CboUser.Text
MyRS.Open "Select * from dbo.tTbl_LoginUsers Where MSID = '" & MyNum & "'", MyCon
Debug.Print strSQL


LngLoginId = NewRecordRS!fldUserName

End Sub

新调整代码: tTbl_LoginSessions具有以下字段:fldloginkey,fldUserName,fldLoginEvent,fld LogoutEvent,fldComputerName。 .MoveFirst触发它

Private Sub CboUser_Click()
Dim MyCon As ADODB.Connection
Dim MyRS As ADODB.Recordset

    Set MyCon = New ADODB.Connection
    MyCon.Open "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=dbswd0027;UID=Mickey01;PWD=Mouse02;DATABASE=Regulatory;"
    Set MyRS = New ADODB.Recordset

With MyRS
'/The following code focuses on the DropDown field that the User selects their MSID
'/if that MyNum = MSID, then MoveFirst to get the PKUserID(Column 1)from tTbl_LoginUsers
     MyNum = CboUser.Text
     MyRS.Open "Select * from dbo.tTbl_LoginUsers Where MSID = '" & MyNum & "'", MyCon
     Debug.Print strSQL

   If Not (.BOF And .EOF) Then
        LngLoginId = !fldUserName
    End If
End With
Debug.Print strSQL
'LngLoginId = NewRecordRS!fldUserName

End Sub


Function CreateSession()
'/This function records the details regarding the login details of the person

Dim con As ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Dim strSQL As String
Dim WhoAmI As Long

Set NewIdentRS = New ADODB.Recordset

Dim LngLoginId As String, StrComputerName As String

'passing variables
StrMSID = LngLoginId
'old StrMSID = StrLoginName
StrComputerName = FindComputerName

   'Declaring what table you are passing the variables to
    strSQL = "Insert into dbo.tTbl_LoginSessions(fldUserName, fldLoginEvent, fldComputerName) Values ('" & StrMSID & "','" & Now() & "','" & StrComputerName & "')"
     Debug.Print strSQL

    'connect to SQL Server
    Set con = New ADODB.Connection
    With con
        .ConnectionString = cSQLConn
    End With

    'write back
    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
    With cmd
        .ActiveConnection = con
        .CommandText = strSQL
        .CommandType = adCmdText

    End With

    Set cmd = Nothing
    Set con = Nothing

End Function


Public Function GrabMSID(frmObject)
GrabMSID = LngUserID
End Function
'Call it this way:

Option Compare Database
Public LngLoginId As Long

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

.MoveFirst行会抛出错误,因为您没有名为 NewRecordRS 的变量。看起来你需要这个......



With MyRS
    .Open "Select * from dbo.tTbl_LoginUsers Where MSID = '" & _
        MyNum & "'", MyCon
    If Not (.BOF And .EOF) Then
        LngLoginId = !fldUserName
    End If
End With

注意:如果 tTbl_LoginUsers 不包含名为 fldUserName 的字段,则该代码将引发错误(“无法在与该对应的集合中找到该项目请求名称或序号“)在此行:

        LngLoginId = !fldUserName

但是,我试图解决“需要对象”错误,这是您问题的原始主题。如果您因为 fldUserName 未在记录集中退出而遇到错误,那就是另一个错误。