
时间:2013-10-31 18:16:47

标签: vb.net


我正在考虑存储每个标题(如其添加的)以及变量中的价格,以在列表框的每一行中给出“电影标题 - $ 2.93”格式。为了解决这个问题,我将发布完整的源代码,这可能会让我更容易看到我想要完成的任务。任何帮助将非常感激。谢谢Stack溢出社区! 我的项目的屏幕截图可以在这里查看:http://puu.sh/54SgI.jpg

Public Class Form1
    'globablly declared because I might use them outside of btnAdd_Click event
    Const decDiscount As Double = 0.9 '1-.10 discount = .9
    Const decDVD As Decimal = 2D
    Const decBlueray As Decimal = 2.5D
    Const decDVDNew As Decimal = 3.25D
    Const decBluerayNew As Decimal = 3.5D

Dim intCount As Integer Dim decCost, decTotal As Decimal Dim decDayTotal As Decimal Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load AcceptButton = btnAdd End Sub Private Sub chkDiscount_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles chkDiscount.Click If chkDiscount.CheckState = 1 Then chkDiscount.Enabled = False End If End Sub Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click 'Display error when no title entered If txtAdd.Text = "" Then MessageBox.Show("Please enter a movie title and select the appropriate item details.", "Complete details", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) Else listMovies.Items.Add(txtAdd.Text) listMovies.SelectedIndex = listMovies.SelectedIndex + 1 End If 'update list 'clear txtbox txtAdd.Text = "" 'Decision Statements to calculate correct price If radDVD.Checked = True Then decCost = CDec(decDVD.ToString("c")) If chkNew.Checked = True Then decCost = CDec(decDVDNew.ToString("c")) End If ElseIf radBlueray.Checked = True Then decCost = CDec(decBlueray.ToString("c")) If chkNew.Checked = True Then decCost = CDec(decBlueray.ToString("c")) End If End If If chkDiscount.Checked = True Then decCost = CDec((decCost * decDiscount).ToString("c")) End If 'display cost txtCost.Text = CStr(CDec(decCost)) 'calc total decTotal = CDec(decTotal + decCost) 'display total txtTotal.Text = CStr(CDec(decTotal)) 'clear chkNew every item added to list chkNew.CheckState = 0 End Sub 'Public so summary message box can access variable Public Sub btnFinish_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnFinish.Click 'Add +1 to counter & update txtCounter intCount = CInt(Val(intCount) + 1) 'add to day total decDayTotal = CDec(Val(decDayTotal) + decTotal) 'Set Everything back to empty/enabled chkDiscount.Enabled = True chkDiscount.CheckState = 0 chkNew.CheckState = 0 txtAdd.Text = "" txtCost.Text = "" txtTotal.Text = "" decTotal = 0 decCost = 0 'Instead of clearing radios each time, a more desirable result would be to have DVD always set back to the default checked radio radDVD.Checked = True radBlueray.Checked = False listMovies.Items.Clear() End Sub Private Sub btnSummary_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSummary.Click If decTotal > 0 Then MessageBox.Show("Please finish your current order before viewing a daily summary.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) Else MessageBox.Show(("Your total cutomer count is: " & intCount) + Environment.NewLine + ("Your total sales today is: $" & decDayTotal), "Daily Summary", MessageBoxButtons.OK) End If End Sub Private Sub btnRemove_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRemove.Click listMovies.Items.Remove(listMovies.SelectedItem) End Sub

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Public Class Movie

Public Title As String = ""
Public Cost As Decimal

' prevents you from adding a movie without critical info
Public Sub New(ByVal t As String, ByVal c As Decimal)
    Title = t
    Cost = c

End Sub

End Class

这将保留一个电影片名租赁的信息,并将其保持在一起(并且可以添加到以便完全按照您显示的方式打印)。该计划(在我理解你所追求的范围内)将为每个租借​​的电影创建其中一个,并将其添加到List(Of Movie)这在这种情况下比词典更合适。


Dim m As New Movie(theTitle, theCost)


  • 你很好地将数字称为数字。修复将其转换为字符串并返回数字的代码。 (编辑你的帖子)
  • 您可以使用电影类单独填充“购物车”列表框;此时,listMovies.Items将成为额外的信用清单。但是使用/了解List (Of T)并不会有什么坏处。 (顺便说一句,“打印”是指打印机上的纸张吗?)
  • 你在chkDiscount做什么?如果他们检查它,你将其禁用(并且永远不会启用)。您是否要禁用新版本检查?在这种情况下,他们真的不是一对收音机吗?
  • 无论哪种方式,CheckChanged都是一个更好的评估事件,没有理由为自己手动设置检查状态。


答案 1 :(得分:0)




在你的情况下,我认为你是通过首先将电影的名称添加到列表中,然后尝试将价格添加到线上来滑冰。除非作为作业的一部分请求了这种功能,否则我会要求用户在接受之前输入名称 AND 的价格(就像你当前使用的名称一样)。像这样:

If txtAdd.Text <> "" AND txtCost.Text <> "" Then  'requiring both fields to not be null
    ''add moive code
    ''MessageBox.Show("Yadda Yadda Yadda")
End If


Dim MovieList as new List(of Movie)


Dim m As Movie
Dim MovieList as new List(of Movie)

Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
    'Display error when no title entered
    If txtAdd.Text <> "" And txtCost.Text <> "" Then
        myMovie = New Movie(txtAdd.Text, txtCost.Text)

        For Each X As Movie In myMovieList
        MessageBox.Show("Please enter a movie title and select the appropriate item details.", "Complete details", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
    End If
    'Other Code
End Sub

注意行 ListMovies.Items.Add(X.DisplayMovie)我在类Movie中添加了一个函数(如下所示),以便它按照你的建议进行格式化。

 Public Function DisplayMovie()
    Return Title & " - $" & Cost
 End Function
