
时间:2013-10-31 14:49:36

标签: cucumber bdd specflow gherkin


Given I have a valid operator such as 'MyOperatorName'
    When I provide a valid phone number for the operator 
    And I provide an '<amount>' that is of the following '<type>'
    And I send a request 
    Then the following validation message will be displayed: 'The Format of Amount is not valid'
    And the following Status Code will be received: 'AmountFormatIsInvalid'

    | type      | description                     | amount |
    | Negative  | An amount that is negative      | -1.0   |
    | Zero      | An amount that is equal to zero |  0     |
    | ......... | ..........                      | ....   |


   | operator  |
   | op_numb_1 |
   | op_numb_2 |
   | op_numb_3 |

为了避免重复相同的场景大纲三次;我知道这是不可能的,但我想知道什么是避免在功能内部使用三个不同的场景轮廓的最佳方法,除了运营商名称之外,它们是完全相同的。 我知道我可以重复使用相同的步骤定义,但我试图了解是否有最佳实践可以防止在功能过于相似的情况下使功能混乱。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

很高兴你知道这是不可能的...... 那有什么选择呢? 好像有5:



 | type      | description                     | amount | operator  |
 | Negative  | An amount that is negative      | -1.0   | op_numb_1 |
 | Zero      | An amount that is equal to zero |  0     | op_numb_1 |
 | Negative  | An amount that is negative      | -1.0   | op_numb_2 |
 | Zero      | An amount that is equal to zero |  0     | op_numb_2 |
 | ......... | ..........                      | ....   | ...       | 

湾使用输入行表重复每个运算符的方案   - 但是你说你不想这样做。

℃。使用运算符表为每个输入行重复该方案   - 我喜欢这个选项,因为每个规则都是一个单独的测试。如果您真的,确实希望确保“运算符”策略的每个不同实现在相同的验证方案中通过并失败,那么为什么不将每个验证方案编写为单个方案大纲:例如。

Scenario Outline: Operators should fail on Negative inputs
Given I have a valid operator such as 'MyOperatorName'
When I provide a valid phone number for the operator 
And I send a request with the amount "-1.0"
Then the following validation message will be displayed: 'The Format of Amount is not valid'
And the following Status Code will be received: 'AmountFormatIsInvalid'

Scenario Outline: Operators should fail on Zero inputs

d。重新思考如何使用Specflow - 如果您只需要KEY示例来说明您的功能(如Gojko Adzic的示例规范所述),那么您通过检查每个组合来过度使用它。但是,如果您使用specflow自动化全套集成测试,那么您的方案可能是合适的......但您可能想要考虑e。
