
时间:2013-10-30 23:13:36

标签: javascript replace


Here is a new line. /n 
New line.

Here is a new line./n
New line.

我找到了各种示例,如何删除空格,以及如何删除新行,但不是如何用简单/ n替换'+ / n'。我尝试过以下但是没有用:

paragraphs = paragraphs.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r|' '+\n|' '+\r|\n+' '|\r+' ')/gm,'<br>'); 


这就是我如何解决它:       paragraph = paragraphs.replace(/ \ r \ n | \ n | \ r \ n / gm,'\ n');     //清除空元素数组(双新行)     paragraph = $ .grep(paragraph,function(n){return(n)});     //清除所有双空格的文本     for(p = 0; p

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


var paragraph = "my paragraph with a space at the end \nand a new line";
paragraph.replace(/ \n/, "\n");

// or with multiple spaces, this is working too:
paragraph = "my paragraph with lot of spaces    \nzzzzz".replace(/ +\n/, "\n");

// or, for the more complete regex you want 
paragraphs = paragraphs.replace(/ [ \r\n]+/gm, "\n");

答案 1 :(得分:0)

可能是你可以用\ n分割字符串并应用jQuery.trim()

答案 2 :(得分:0)

paragraphs = paragraphs.replace(/\ +\n/g,'\n');

答案 3 :(得分:0)



<div id="myDiv">
    Here is a new line.   /n
    New line.


//get the innerHTML
var paragraph = document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML;
//extract the part that you want to replace using RegExp.exec() method
var newPart = /[ ]*\/n/.exec(paragraph);
//simply replace the new part with what you want
paragraph = paragraph.replace(newPart, '/n');


答案 4 :(得分:0)

您使用的RegExp,/(\r\n|\n|\r|' '+\n|' '+\r|\n+' '|\r+' ')/gm 没有按照你的意图行事; '+部分匹配1 + '个字符; 匹配单个空格字符只需键入空格(不含撇号) 你应该这样说(如果我错了,请纠正我):/\r\n|\s+\n|\s+\r|\n+|\r+/g并像这样使用它:p.replace(/\r\n|\s+\n|\s+\r|\n+|\r+/g,"\n<br>"),或尝试这个函数:

var ws_nls_ws_2_nl =
( function ( sc, ws_nls_ws_rgx, str_trim_rgx, nl ) {
  return function ( input_txt ) {
    // split on "\n+" surounded by blanks
    // join with "\n"
    // trim the result string
    return sc( input_txt ).split( ws_nls_ws_rgx ).join( nl ).replace( str_trim_rgx, "" );
} )(

  // get global String ctor
  ( function () { return String; } )(),

  // new line(s) with blanks around it, global

  // str-trim reg, 
  // blanks at start or end


//  ws_nls_ws_2_nl("        Here is a new line.  \n   New line.   ");

答案 5 :(得分:0)


function cleanText(){
//aligns all new lines and splits text into single paragraphs
paragraphs = input.replace(/\r\n|\n|\r/gm,'\n');
paragraphs = paragraphs.split('\n');
// clears array of empty elements (double new lines)
paragraphs = $.grep(paragraphs,function(n){ return(n) });
// clears text of all double whitespaces
for (p=0;p<paragraphs.length; p++){
    paragraphs[p] = paragraphs[p].replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
    paragraphs[p] = $.trim(paragraphs[p]);
// joins everything to one string
var cleanedText = paragraphs.join("\n ") ;
// gets an array of single words
wordsArray=cleanedText.split(' ');