在滚动视图iOS sdk中缩放图像

时间:2013-10-28 09:23:01

标签: ios iphone uiimageview scrollview

以适当比例滚动查看iOS sdk中的图像。如何在滚动视图中放大图像时保持图像的比例。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

Declare following variable in .h file.

UIScrollView *scrollViewPhoto;
UIImageView *imvPhoto;

put the following code in .m file and call set image method when setting the image in imageView.

#pragma mark - set Image view
-(void)setImage:(UIImage *)imageV
    scrollViewPhoto.zoomScale = 1;
    scrollViewPhoto.hidden = NO;
    toolbar.hidden = NO;
    UIImage* image = imageV;
    imvPhoto.image = imageV;

    float width =  scrollViewPhoto.frame.size.width/image.size.width;
    if (image.size.width<self.view.frame.size.width) {
        width = 1;

    float height = scrollViewPhoto.frame.size.height/image.size.height;
    if (image.size.height<self.view.frame.size.height) {
        height = 1;

    float f = 0;

    if (width < height)
        f = width;
        f = height;

    imvPhoto.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, image.size.width*f, image.size.height*f);

    CGRect frame = scrollViewPhoto.frame;
    scrollViewPhoto.contentSize = frame.size;
    imvPhoto.center = CGPointMake(frame.size.width/2, frame.size.height/2);

    CGRect frame = scrollViewPhoto.frame;
    imvPhoto.center = CGPointMake(imvPhoto.center.x , frame.size.height/2);

- (void)scrollViewDidZoom:(UIScrollView *)scrollView

    float width = 0;
    float height = 0;

    if (imvPhoto.frame.size.width < scrollView.frame.size.width)
        width = scrollView.frame.size.width;

        if (imvPhoto.frame.size.height < scrollView.frame.size.height)
            height = scrollView.frame.size.height;
            height = scrollView.contentSize.height;
        width = scrollView.contentSize.width;

        if (imvPhoto.frame.size.height < scrollView.frame.size.height)
            height = scrollView.frame.size.height;
            height = scrollView.contentSize.height;


    imvPhoto.center = CGPointMake(width/2, height/2);


-(UIView *) viewForZoomingInScrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
return imvPhoto;

答案 1 :(得分:1)

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