
时间:2013-10-26 23:44:31

标签: c++ file inheritance postscript



#include "Gosper.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main( )
// test right hexagonal Gosper curve at level 4
Gosper gosper1( 100, 100, 0 );
gosper1.rightCurve( 4, 4 ); 

// test left hexagonal Gosper curver at level 4
Gosper gosper2( 500, 100, 0 );
gosper2.leftCurve( 4, 4 );

// test right hexagonal Gosper curve at level 3
Gosper gosper3( 100, 400, 0 );
gosper3.rightCurve( 3, 6 );

// test left hexagonal Gosper curver at level 3
Gosper gosper4( 500, 400, 0 );
gosper4.leftCurve( 3, 6 );

// test right hexagonal Gosper curve at level 2
Gosper gosper5( 100, 600, 0 );
gosper5.rightCurve( 2, 8 );

// test left hexagonal Gosper curver at level 2
Gosper gosper6( 500, 600, 0 );
gosper6.leftCurve( 2, 8 );

// test right hexagonal Gosper curve at level 1
Gosper gosper7( 100, 700, 0 );
gosper7.rightCurve( 1, 10 );

// test left hexagonal Gosper curver at level 1
Gosper gosper8( 500, 700, 0 );
gosper8.leftCurve( 1, 10 );




// Sierpinski Class 
#ifndef GOSPER_H
#define GOSPER_H

#include "Turtle.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

class Gosper : Turtle 


    Gosper(float initX=0.0, float initY=0.0, float initA=0.0);

    void leftCurve( int l, float d );  // Draw level l left curve with dist d
    void rightCurve( int l, float d ); // Draw level l right curve with dist d




#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Gosper.h"

// Initialization and such.
Gosper::Gosper(float initX, float initY, float initA)


void Gosper::leftCurve(int level, float d)
    // Code that uses draw() function of Turtle.h and Turtle.cpp

void Gosper::rightCurve(int level, float d)
    // Same as above


#ifndef TURTLE_H
#define TURTLE_H

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

const float PI = 3.1459265;

class Turtle {


    Turtle(float initX = 0.0, float initY = 0.0, float initA = 0.0);

    void draw( float d );   // draw line by distance d
    void move( float d );   // simply move by distance d
    void turn( float a );   // turn by angle a


    ofstream out;
    float angle;    // current angle



#include "Turtle.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

Turtle::Turtle(float initX, float initY, float initA)


out << "%!PS-Adobe-2.0" << endl;
out << initX << "\t" << initY << "\tmoveto" << endl;

angle = initA;


out << "stroke" << endl;
out << "showpage" << endl;

void Turtle::turn(float a)
angle += a;

void Turtle::draw(float d)
float dX, dY;

dX = d * cos(PI * angle / 180);
dY = d * sin(PI * angle / 180);
out << dX << "\t" << dY << "\trlineto" << endl;

void Turtle::move(float d)
float dX, dY;

dX = d * cos(PI * angle / 180);
dY = d * sin(PI * angle / 180);
out << dX << "\t" << dY << "\trmoveto" << endl;


我想将GosperDriver.cpp中每个Gosper类对象的文本写入一个postscript文件中。就像现在一样,任何尝试这样做都会导致指定的output.ps中的前一个文本块被覆盖。目前,我只能编写ONE Gosper类对象所需的文本。我必须在Gosperdriver.cpp中注释掉每个Gosper对象声明,但是要测试我的程序是否正常工作。


关于继承的额外问题:现在,我的每个Gosper绘图的“起始点”都设置为x = 0和y = 0.正如Gosper对象声明所示,没有任何参数包含0表示x或y 。有点不稳定。发生了什么事?

提前致谢任何能够回答其中一个或两个问题的人! :)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


out.open("output.ps", std::fstream::in | std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app);

以追加模式打开文件。意味着旧内容不会被覆盖。 但是,您需要添加一些内容来检测标题 out << "%!PS-Adobe-2.0" << endl;已经写好了。 (我假设你每个文件只需要一次。)

要避免一直打开和关闭文件,您还可以创建一个单独的类来打开文件,初始化它(写入标题)然后使用此类编写所有内容并在之后关闭文件。 / p>
