
时间:2013-10-25 11:25:33

标签: r split binary subset sapply

我有一个包含Price和Material列的数据框,以及一个包含N列的真/假矩阵(每列是特定类型的材料),T / F值表示'material'字符串是否出现在数据矩阵


Price    Material
2.33     Metal nickel linen cotton
3.45     silver emerald steel
7.45     cotton silk wood


Metal Nickel Linen Cotton Silver Emerald Steel Cotton Silk Wood
T     T      T     T      0      0       0     0      0    0
0     0      0     0      T      T       T     0      0    0  


如何根据材料创建价格子集? 所以我可以计算出具有“金属”材料的价格的均值,范围模式等。


newMat<- data$price * materialmatrix. 




split(data, wsearch, drop=TRUE)


Warning message:
  In split.default(x = seq_len(nrow(x)), f = f, drop = drop, ...)  
  data length is not a multiple of split variable





Subsetting a data.frame with an integer matrix

subsetting matrix with id from another matrix

Select observations from a subset to create a new subset based on a large dataframe in R

R Selecting column in a data frame by column in another data frame

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



# sample data
df <- data.frame(price = c(17, 35, 12, 26, 1.35, 10),
                 material = c("linen",
                              "wax string metal cube",
                              "Metal nickel linen cotton",
                              "cotton silk wood"))

# split the concatenated material variable
df2 <- concat.split(data = df, split.col = "material", sep = " ", drop = TRUE)

# replace blanks with NA
df2[df2 == ""] <- NA

# melt data to long format
df3 <- melt(df2, id.vars = "price", na.rm = TRUE)

# calculate summary stats by material (= 'value' variable)
df4 <- aggregate(price ~ value, data = df3, summary)

#     value price.Min. price.1st Qu. price.Median price.Mean price.3rd Qu. price.Max.
# 1   brass     26.000        26.000       26.000     26.000        26.000     26.000
# 2  cotton     10.000        10.500       11.000     11.000        11.500     12.000
# 3    cube     35.000        35.000       35.000     35.000        35.000     35.000
# 4   linen      1.350         6.675       12.000     10.120        14.500     17.000
# 5   metal     35.000        35.000       35.000     35.000        35.000     35.000
# 6   Metal     12.000        12.000       12.000     12.000        12.000     12.000
# 7  nickel     12.000        12.000       12.000     12.000        12.000     12.000
# 8    silk     10.000        10.000       10.000     10.000        10.000     10.000
# 9  string     35.000        35.000       35.000     35.000        35.000     35.000
# 10    wax     35.000        35.000       35.000     35.000        35.000     35.000
# 11   wood     10.000        10.000       10.000     10.000        10.000     10.000