
时间:2013-10-24 16:48:04

标签: makefile fortran preprocessor


我最近从Fedora 10更新到Fedora 19(是的,应该早点这样做)。在将我的代码复制到新系统并运行gmake之后,我发现我遇到了编译问题。根据我的理解,应该发生的是我的.F文件被预处理并写成.f文件。显然,cpp预处理器现在正在添加某种GNU免责声明(“/ * Copyright(C)1991-2012 Free Software Foundation,Inc。这个文件是GNU C库的一部分....”),编译器( f77)不喜欢。原则上,我可以从每个生成的.f文件中删除此文本,但严重的是,这需要花费太多时间。




# Make sure the SHELL is right
SHELL = /bin/sh
MAKE  = gmake

 # Define several root directories       
 LEP_ROOT    := /home/stilgar/SUSY/NeutrinoModel2
 CERN_ROOT   := /usr/lib64/cernlib/2006
 INCLUDES    := $(LEP_ROOT)/include 
 INCLUDES    := $(strip $(INCLUDES))
 incpath     := $(subst $(space),:,$(INCLUDES))

 vpath %.inc $(incpath)

 # Define tree       
 BIN_DIR := $(LEP_ROOT)/bin

 # Define source directory
 SRCDIR := $(LEP_ROOT)/src

 # Libraries
 libs :=  $(CERN_ROOT)/lib
 libs :=  $(addprefix -L, $(libs)) 
 libs += `cernlib packlib,mathlib,packlib,kernlib`

 #Source files
 #Main Program
 src_files += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/main_lfv.F)
 #SM Parameters 
 src_files += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/param_basic.F)
 src_files += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/numajmass.F)
 #SUSY Spectrum
 src_files += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/texture2.F)
 src_files += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/minserts.F)
 #SUSY Flavour
 src_files += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/gmin2.F)
 src_files += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/lfv.F)
 src_files += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/experiment.F)
 src_files += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/directsearch.F)
 #Loop Functions
 src_files += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/fedm.F)
 src_files += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/gedm.F)
 #Mathematical Tools
 src_files += $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/biunitary3.F)

 main_obj_files += $(src_files:%.F=%.o)
 main_ofiles    += $(notdir $(main_obj_files))
 main_files     += $(src_files:%.F=%.f)
 depend         += $(main_obj_files:.o=.d)

 # Name of the executable to be created
 exectry := $(BIN_DIR)/RunStuff

 # Define flags 
 FC = f77
 #FC = gfortran
 #FC = g95
 FFLAGS += -c 
 FFLAGS += $(addprefix -I, $(INCLUDES))  

 # Define cpp options
 CPP = cpp
 CPPFLAGS += $(addprefix -I, $(INCLUDES))

 .PHONY : all clean cleanall help
 .PHONY : sclean 

 all: $(exectry)

 $(exectry): $(main_obj_files) $(main_files) 
 @echo '==================================================='
 @echo '    Building executable ' $(exectry)
 @echo '    '
 @-rm -f $@
 $(FC) -o $@ $(main_obj_files) $(LFLAGS) $(libs)
 @echo '    Done '
 @echo '==================================================='

 clean : sclean
 @echo Cleaning up  *.o  *~ core
 @-rm -f *.o  core 
 @echo done.
 sclean :
 @find . -name "*.bak" -exec rm -f '{}' ';'
 @find . -name "*~" -exec rm -f '{}' ';'
 @find . -name "#*#"             -exec rm -f '{}' ';'

 cleanall : 
 @echo '**********************************************************'
 @echo ' Clean all : '
 @find . -name "*.bak" -exec rm -f '{}' ';'
 @find . -name "*~" -exec rm -f '{}' ';'
 @find . -name "*.log"           -exec rm -f '{}' ';'
 @find . -name "*.out"           -exec rm -f '{}' ';'
 @find . -name "core"            -exec rm -f '{}' ';'
 @find . -name "#*#"             -exec rm -f '{}' ';'
 @-rm -f *.o *.d
 @echo done.
 @echo '**********************************************************'
 @echo '  The possible options are :'
 @echo '  ========================  '
 @echo '  gmake         -- build batch executable'  
 @echo '  gmake sclean   -- simple clean up '    
 @echo '  gmake clean    -- clean up a bit more '
 @echo '  gmake cleanall -- clean everything'

 @echo Preprocessing ... $<
 @$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS)  $< > $@

 @echo Compiling ... $<
 @$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -o $@ $<

 @touch $@
 @echo Updating ... $@        
 @makedepend -- $(CPPFLAGS) -- $< -f $@
 @-rm $@.bak


 Preprocessing ... /home/stilgar/SUSY/NeutrinoModel2/src/main_lfv.F
 Compiling ... /home/stilgar/SUSY/NeutrinoModel2/src/main_lfv.f
       This file is part of the GNU C Library.
 Non-numeric character at (^) in label field [info -f g77 M LEX]
       The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 Non-numeric character at (^) in label field [info -f g77 M LEX]
       modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 Non-numeric character at (^) in label field [info -f g77 M LEX]


 gmake: *** [/home/stilgar/SUSY/NeutrinoModel2/src/main_lfv.o] Error 1

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

我认为问题是-C变量中的CPPFLAGS选项。 cpp的手册页说这会导致预处理器不放弃注释。我不认为你想要那个。删除那个标志。
