Perl Script,Web Scraper

时间:2013-10-24 14:38:15

标签: perl web web-scraping amazon


# A script to scrape Amazon, retrieve reviews, and write to a file
# Usage: perl <asin>
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;

# Take the asin from the command-line
my $asin = shift @ARGV or die "Usage: perl <asin>\n";

# Assemble the URL from the passed asin.
my $url = "$asin/?vi=customer-reviews";

# Set up unescape-HTML rules. Quicker than URI::Escape.
my %unescape = ('&quot;'=>'"', '&amp;'=>'&', '&nbsp;'=>' ');
my $unescape_re = join '|' => keys %unescape;

# Request the URL.
my $content = get($url);
die "Could not retrieve $url" unless $content;

#Remove everything before the reviews
$content =~ s!.*?Number of Reviews:!!ms;

# Loop through the HTML looking for matches
while ($content =~ m!<img.*?stars-(\d)-0.gif.*?>.*?<b>(.*?)</b>, (.*?)[RETURN]
\n.*?Reviewer:\n<b>\n(.*?)</b>.*?</table>\n(.*?)<br>\n<br>!mgis) {

my($rating,$title,$date,$reviewer,$review) = [RETURN] 
$reviewer =~ s!<.+?>!!g;   # drop all HTML tags
$reviewer =~ s!\(.+?\)!!g;   # remove anything in parenthesis
$reviewer =~ s!\n!!g;      # remove newlines
$review =~ s!<.+?>!!g;     # drop all HTML tags
$review =~ s/($unescape_re)/$unescape{$1}/migs; # unescape.

# Print the results
print "$title\n" . "$date\n" . "by $reviewer\n" .
      "$rating stars.\n\n" . "$review\n\n";


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


亚马逊并不喜欢人们刮取他们的网站。这就是为什么他们提供了一个API,让您可以访问他们的内容。还有一个用于使用该API的Perl模块 - Net::Amazon。您应该使用它而不是脆弱的网络抓取技术。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

也许你应该试试Web :: Scraper(。 它将以更清洁的方式完成工作。

[编辑]无论如何,我检查了随机评论的HTML代码,看来你的模式已经过时了。例如,评论者的名字由&#39; By&#39;而不是评论员&#39;。