这段代码的结果是我通过并提供了所有必要的输入,然后失败了“fullInstr = str(”cp -r / mnt / data / archive“+ fquery +”/“+ yquery + mquery + dquery +“/”+ hquery +“*”+“”+ outl2) TypeError:无法连接'str'和'int'对象“
import os
import sys
overW = str("0")
outf = str("/autocopy.sh") # Output file full path and file name
if os.path.isfile("/autocopy.sh"): #
overW = raw_input("This will overwrite the previous version. Do you want to continue? (y/n) ")
if overW != "y":
sys.exit("No changes made.\n\n")
#! Could also prompt for output file name, depending on how army-proof this needs to be.
finishMessage = "Finished."
outl = str("0") # Copy-to location
outl2 = str("0") # Modified Copy-to location
fquery = str("0") # A or B location variable
yquery = int("0") # Year variable
mquery = int("0") # Month variable
dquery = int("0") # Day variable
hquery = str("0") # Hour variable
mh1 = int("0") # Modified starting hour after transformation
mh2 = int("0") # Modified ending hour after transformation
mpath = str("0") # makes path if needed
fullInstr = str("0") # Full command set to write to file
formatList = (['A', 'B'])
yearList = list(range(2000,2099))
#monthList = (['01']-['12'])
#! hquery is going to have to parse for ranges
# Instruction header
print "Builds a script to automatically copy folders and files from the storage array to a location of your choosing.\n"
print "Valid inputs for the questions below are numeric."
print "Year would be the full year, i.e. 2013"
print "Month is the two-digit month, i.e. 10"
print "Day is the two-digit day, i.e. 22"
print "Hour or hour range is just the first two digits of the hours you want to copy. i.e. 15 or 00-23\n\n"
outl = raw_input("Where do you want to copy the files to? Type the full path: ")
while not os.path.exists(outl):
mpath = raw_input ("\nThat path doesn't exist on this system. Do you want to create it? (y/n) ")
if mpath != "y":
outl = raw_input("Where do you want to copy the files to? Type a valid path: ")
print "\n"
if not outl.endswith("/"):
outl2 = outl + "/"
fquery = raw_input("Do you want to copy A or B? ")
while not(fquery in formatList):
print "\nInvalid input. You have to choose one of the two as printed above."
fquery = raw_input("\nDo you want to copy A or B? ")
print "\n"
yquery = int(raw_input("What year? "))
while yquery not in yearList:
print "\nInvalid input. You have to choose a year in this century."
yquery = int(raw_input("\nWhat year? "))
print "\n"
mquery = raw_input("What day? ")
#! Valid months are 01 to 12
dquery = raw_input("What day? ")
#! Valid days are 01 to 31
hquery = raw_input("What hour or hour range? ")
#! if input is greater than two characters is must contain a - character
#! if is not 00-23, separate first and last numbers and write a line for each. If it isn't a range, don't transform it.
#os.system("touch " + outf)
#! if no error keep going
fullInstr = str("cp -r /mnt/data/archive"+ fquery+ "/" + yquery+mquery+dquery+"/"+hquery+"*" + " " + outl2)
os.system("echo "+fullInstr+ "> /autocopy.sh")
#os.system("chmod u+x "+outf) # Makes the output file executable
#! if error = 0 set finishMessage to print "Your shell script is complete and is ready to run. Run it by typing ." + outf
#! if error is <> 0 set finishMessage to print "Wasn't able to make the output file executable automatically. Use chmod to modify the file permissions manually on the file "+outf
print finishMessage+"\n\n"
注释掉的东西要么不工作,要么尚未实施。我知道代码质量可能不是最好的,但这是我第一次编写代码来做我需要的东西。我已经尝试过很多东西,比如yquery = str(yquery),或者只是改变了fullInstr字符串,在其中有str(yquery),我无法让它工作。我变得很沮丧。
答案 0 :(得分:4)
fullInstr = "cp -r /mnt/data/archive/{0}/{1}{2}{3}/{4}* {5}".format(fquery,yquery,mquery,dquery,hquery,out12)
答案 1 :(得分:3)
fullInstr = str("cp -r /mnt/data/archive" + fquery + "/" + str(yquery) + mquery + dquery + "/" + hquery + "*" + " " + ^
outl2) ^
# ^ -> Use str to convert
以上代码适用于我的机器。运行Windows 8. Python 2.7.5。我只需将clear