
时间:2013-10-23 19:52:19

标签: c binary-search-tree insertion



void insert_node(int k){
    struct node *nodnou,*flow,*parent;

    nodnou = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
    nodnou->st = NULL;
    nodnou->dr = NULL;
    nodnou->nr = k;

    if (root==NULL)
        root = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(node));

        root = nodnou;
        flow = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
        parent = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
        flow = root;
        parent = root;
        while (((flow->st!=NULL) || (flow->dr!=NULL)) && flow!=NULL)
            if (k<flow->nr)
                parent = flow;
                flow = flow->st;
                parent = flow;
                flow = flow->dr;

        if (k<flow->nr)
            parent->st = nodnou;
            parent->dr = nodnou;



如果我使用while (flow!=NULL)它将无法工作,因为流指针获得了对不存在的东西的赋值。请帮我理解我错在哪里(作业)。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


Type *pointer = malloc(sizeof(Type));
pointer = <<something else>>

它实际上泄漏了内存并在两条短线中获得 nothing 。这不是基于对象引用的语言,如Java或C#。指针是保存内存地址的变量。就像int可以保存整数一样,指针包含地址。就像下面的例子一样:

int n = 6;
n = 5;      //Hmm. Where did the 6 go? Oh yeah, We overwrote it with 5. 


struct node *root = malloc(sizeof(*root));
root = nodnou; // memory allocated above is gone. forever leaked.


以下是二叉树插入的一般实现,它不支持树中的重复(如果允许重复,代码会变得更短)。此外,它使用超出提供的函数参数的局部变量来完成此操作,并且我要求您剖析它并确定它是如何工作的。它甚至适用于最初的NULL树根指针,无需特殊的套管if (root) {} else {}逻辑:

void insert_node(struct node **pp, int k) 
    while (*pp)
        if (k < (*pp)->nr)        // move down left side?
            pp = &(*pp)->st;

        else if ((*pp)->nr < k)   // move down right side?
            pp = &(*pp)->dr;

        else return;              // found the key, no dupes. leave

    // pp contains the address of the pointer we need to set.
    *pp = malloc(sizeof(**pp)); 
    (*pp)->st = (*pp)->dr = NULL;
    (*pp)->nr = k;


void insert_node(struct node **pp, int k) 
    while (*pp)
        pp = (k < (*pp)->nr) ? &(*pp)->st : &(*pp)->dr;

    // pp contains the address of the pointer we need to set.
    *pp = malloc(sizeof(**pp)); 
    (*pp)->st = (*pp)->dr = NULL;
    (*pp)->nr = k;


struct node *root = NULL;

insert(&root, 5);
insert(&root, 10);
insert(&root, 7); 

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我认为您应该使用while(flow!= NULL)并在此之后将元素作为流插入。它现在的方式会在不应该停止的情况下停止并且在它停止时做奇怪的事情。尝试用笔和纸做一些例子。

答案 2 :(得分:0)



root = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
root = nodnou;

第二个assignmet(root = nodnou)会覆盖先前malloc()调用的结果,并且由于您没有将覆盖的指针值保存在任何其他位置,因此您将无法再释放该值内存,它将被标记为用于应用程序的生命周期!

接下来,您可以简化在树中寻找插入点的代码。 您似乎担心流量变为NULL,但无关紧要。父节点是重要节点。 while循环结束后,它将指向插入节点需要链接的实际节点。以下是您的代码的修改版本。

void insert_node(int k) {
   struct node *nodnou, *flow, *parent;
   // this is the only memory allocation that should be done
   nodnou = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
   nodnou->st = NULL;
   nodnou->dr = NULL;
   nodnou->nr = k;

   parent = NULL;

   if( root == NULL ) {
      root = nodnou;
   } else {

      flow = root;
      // We will walk the tree in order until we reach the bottom of the 
      // tree (flow becomes null). What we are trying to do is to find out
      // the node that will become the parent of the new node we are inserting
      // It doesn't matter if flow becomes NULL, the important value after the
      // while loop ends is parent 
      while( flow != NULL ) {
         // update the current potential parent node
         parent = flow;
         if( k < flow->nr ) {
            // the number we are inserting is lower than the flow node, walk to the left
            flow = flow->st;
         } else {
            // the number we are inserting is greater or equal than the flow node, 
            // walk to the right
            flow = flow->dr;

      // We have reached the bottom, now compare number again with the node that
      // will become parent, to find out if we need to link this node to the left
      // or to the right of the parent node

      if( k < parent->nr ) {
         parent->st = nodnou;
      } else {
         parent->dr = nodnou;


就是这样。尝试编写其余树操作的代码,并毫不犹豫地询问您是否感到困惑。 =)