请有人可以帮忙解决下面问题 - 我上周发布了这个帖子,我确实让代码运行但有人已经删除了代码。有人可以帮忙吗?
我得到的错误是 -
Msg 16924,Level 16,State 1,Line 43 Cursorfetch:INTO列表中声明的变量数必须与所选列的变量数相匹配。
-- declare cursor variables
declare @PKCustomerRecord int, @Agent varchar(100), @CallBackDateTime datetime
declare @Title varchar(15), @Forename varchar(30), @Surname varchar(30),
@Address1 varchar(50), @Address2 varchar(50), @Address3 varchar(50), @Address4 varchar(50), @Address5 varchar(50),
@PostCode varchar(10), @ContactNumber varchar(16), @Telephone2 varchar(16),
@DOB datetime, @Source varchar(30), @list_id int, @user_group varchar(8), @campaign_id varchar(8), @ViciDialID int,
@PKUsers int, @LeadId int, @ViciUser varchar(20), @Comments varchar(max)
-- declare cursor
declare csr cursor for
ViciDialID, PKUsers, CallBackDateTime, CallBackDateTime, [user] as Agent,
ci.PKCustomerRecord, ci.Title, ci.Forename, ci.Surname,
ci.Address1, ci.Address2, ci.Address3, ci.Address4, ci.Address5, ci.PostCode,
ci.DOB, case when ci.Source = 'CB' then ci.ContactLoadSource else ci.Source end as Source,
case when cb.ContactNumber COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT <> ci.Telephone1 then ci.Telephone1
when cb.ContactNumber COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT <> Telephone2 then Telephone2 end as Telephone2,
when ci.Source = 'SASurvey' then 8890
when ci.Source = 'AAR' then 8891
when ci.Source = 'CB' then 8893
when ci.Source = 'RTA' then 8894
when ci.Source = 'Verve Survey' then 8895
when ci.Source = 'Unregistered' then 8892 end as list_id, user_group, campaign_id,
from CAGSQL.CallCenter.dbo.CallBacks cb with (nolock)
join #ViciDialData u with (nolock) on cb.UserFK = u.PKUsers
join CAGSQL.ConsumerCare.dbo.ContactInfo ci with (nolock) on cb.ContactInfoFK = ci.PKCustomerRecord
where PoolFK = '173'
and CallBackDateTime >= getdate()
and CallBackDateTime <= convert(varchar,getdate()+1,112)
and UpdatedDate is null
and Source in ('SASurvey','AAR','CB','RTA','Verve Survey','Unregistered')
and DataLength(Comments) < 255
and UpdatedDate is null
and PKUsers <> 4678
open csr
-- fetch first record
fetch next from csr into @PKCustomerRecord, @Agent, @CallBackDateTime, @Title, @Forename, @Surname,
@Address1, @Address2, @Address3, @Address4, @Address5, @PostCode, @ContactNumber, @Telephone2, @DOB, @Source, @list_id, @user_group, @campaign_id,
@ViciDialID, @Comments
while @@fetch_status = 0
if left(@ContactNumber, 1) = '0' set @ContactNumber = substring(@ContactNumber,2,11)
if left(@Telephone2, 1) = '0' set @Telephone2 = substring(@Telephone2,2,11)
insert into VICI...vicidial_list
(status, entry_date, status, [user], list_id, gmt_offset_now, called_since_last_reset, phone_code, phone_number, alt_phone, title,
first_name, last_name, address1, address2, address3, city, postal_code, date_of_birth, entry_list_id, source_id)
('NEW', getdate(), 'CBHOLD', '', @list_id, 1, 'N', '44', @ContactNumber, @Telephone2, @Title,
@Forename, @Surname, @Address1, @Address2, @Address3, @address4, @PostCode, @DOB, @list_id, @Source)
-- get the ID of the record just inserted
select @LeadId = max(lead_id) from VICI...vicidial_list
-- insert the callback record into Vici dial
insert into VICI...vicidial_callbacks
(lead_id, list_id, campaign_id, status, entry_time, callback_time, modify_date, [user], recipient,
comments, user_group, lead_status)
(@LeadId, @list_id, 'CCWarm', 'ACTIVE', getdate(), @CallBackDateTime, getdate(), @ViciUser, 'USERONLY',
@Comments, 'CCWarm', 'CALLBK')
-- fetch next record from CURSOR
fetch next from csr into @PKCustomerRecord, @Agent, @CallBackDateTime, @Title, @Forename, @Surname,
@Address1, @Address2, @Address3, @Address4, @Address5, @PostCode, @ContactNumber, @Telephone2, @DOB, @Source, @list_id, @user_group, @campaign_id,
@ViciDialID, @PKUsers, @Comments
close csr
deallocate csr
提前致谢, 森
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您为光标提供的列数(在“CURSOR FOR”文本之后)必须与您为获取新记录所定义的参数计数匹配(在“FETCH NEXT FROM csr INTO”文本之后)