我正在执行以下命令从BMC获取设备ID但我收到错误无法发送RAW命令(channel = 0x0 netfn = 0x6 lun = 0x0 cmd = 0x1)
ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U root -P root raw 0x06 0x01
Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x6 lun=0x0 cmd=0x1)
>> Sending IPMI command payload
>> netfn : 0x06
>> command : 0x38
>> data : 0x8e 0x04
>> IPMI Request Session Header
>> Authtype : NONE
>> Sequence : 0x00000000
>> Session ID : 0x00000000
>> IPMI Request Message Header
>> Rs Addr : 20
>> NetFn : 06
>> Rs LUN : 0
>> Rq Addr : 81
>> Rq Seq : 00
>> Rq Lun : 0
>> Command : 38
<< IPMI Response Session Header
<< Authtype : NONE
<< Payload type : IPMI (0)
<< Session ID : 0x00000000
<< Sequence : 0x00000000
<< IPMI Msg/Payload Length : 16
<< IPMI Response Message Header
<< Rq Addr : 81
<< NetFn : 07
<< Rq LUN : 0
<< Rs Addr : 20
<< Rq Seq : 00
<< Rs Lun : 0
<< Command : 38
<< Compl Code : 0x00
<< Message tag : 0x00
<< RMCP+ status : no errors
<< Maximum privilege level : Unknown (0x00)
<< Console Session ID : 0xa0a2a3a4
<< BMC Session ID : 0x0000000d
<< Negotiated authenticatin algorithm : hmac_sha1
<< Negotiated integrity algorithm : hmac_sha1_96
<< Negotiated encryption algorithm : aes_cbc_128
>> Console generated random number (16 bytes)
26 83 1b f2 7c 7b cc 16 c6 b7 a4 25 15 e9 ce 2f
<< Message tag : 0x00
<< RMCP+ status : no errors
<< Console Session ID : 0xa0a2a3a4
<< BMC random number : 0x64653a3a706172736552504352657370
<< BMC GUID : 0xcdc69bb454110e827441213ddc8770e9
<< Key exchange auth code [sha1] : 0x03f1426e8c607acffc47cd02cae04cee04017244
bmc_rand (16 bytes)
64 65 3a 3a 70 61 72 73 65 52 50 43 52 65 73 70
>> rakp2 mac input buffer (68 bytes)
a4 a3 a2 a0 0d 00 00 00 26 83 1b f2 7c 7b cc 16
c6 b7 a4 25 15 e9 ce 2f 64 65 3a 3a 70 61 72 73
65 52 50 43 52 65 73 70 cd c6 9b b4 54 11 0e 82
74 41 21 3d dc 87 70 e9 14 0a 69 70 6d 69 5f 61
64 6d 69 6e
>> rakp2 mac key (20 bytes)
31 40 61 64 25 38 39 2a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
>> rakp2 mac as computed by the remote console (20 bytes)
03 f1 42 6e 8c 60 7a cf fc 47 cd 02 ca e0 4c ee
04 01 72 44
>> rakp3 mac input buffer (32 bytes)
64 65 3a 3a 70 61 72 73 65 52 50 43 52 65 73 70
a4 a3 a2 a0 14 0a 69 70 6d 69 5f 61 64 6d 69 6e
>> rakp3 mac key (20 bytes)
31 40 61 64 25 38 39 2a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
generated rakp3 mac (20 bytes)
ea f8 3a 58 12 41 8a 5c 7c 53 98 9f 92 aa f2 bb
1c b5 85 04
session integrity key input (44 bytes)
26 83 1b f2 7c 7b cc 16 c6 b7 a4 25 15 e9 ce 2f
64 65 3a 3a 70 61 72 73 65 52 50 43 52 65 73 70
14 0a 69 70 6d 69 5f 61 64 6d 69 6e
Generated session integrity key (20 bytes)
a7 d8 c9 d4 28 37 01 ae ce d3 c9 69 be 71 d9 1c
34 9f 96 b1
Generated K1 (20 bytes)
60 1d ec ba 7e 8a 2d b0 d8 80 a1 96 d0 a0 0e bc
a4 13 3e 03
Generated K2 (20 bytes)
e0 6c 1d a7 b5 7e 39 3a 99 bb 13 17 9b d5 9f c5
95 b0 b9 7d
<< Message tag : 0x00
<< RMCP+ status : no errors
<< Console Session ID : 0xa0a2a3a4
<< Key exchange auth code [sha1] : 0x2f0aca6d3a769dba27c34cb9
>> rakp4 mac input buffer (36 bytes)
26 83 1b f2 7c 7b cc 16 c6 b7 a4 25 15 e9 ce 2f
0d 00 00 00 cd c6 9b b4 54 11 0e 82 74 41 21 3d
dc 87 70 e9
>> rakp4 mac key (sik) (20 bytes)
a7 d8 c9 d4 28 37 01 ae ce d3 c9 69 be 71 d9 1c
34 9f 96 b1
>> rakp4 mac as computed by the BMC (20 bytes)
2f 0a ca 6d 3a 76 9d ba 27 c3 4c b9 52 65 73 70
cd c6 9b b4
>> rakp4 mac as computed by the remote console (20 bytes)
2f 0a ca 6d 3a 76 9d ba 27 c3 4c b9 6a cb ca b2
2e ac d0 dc
>> Sending IPMI command payload
>> netfn : 0x06
>> command : 0x3b
>> data : 0x04
>> Initialization vector (16 bytes)
d6 49 45 06 6b 80 ca a3 ac f0 00 d7 02 79 5f 26
authcode input (48 bytes)
06 c0 0d 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 20 00 d6 49 45 06
6b 80 ca a3 ac f0 00 d7 02 79 5f 26 6f d6 91 f4
98 69 66 38 4d 66 cc c0 93 ce a2 57 ff ff 02 07
authcode output (12 bytes)
25 b3 bc 24 94 a6 26 bf ba 6c 5f cc
<< IPMI Response Session Header
<< Authtype : Unknown (0x06)
<< Payload type : IPMI (0)
<< Session ID : 0xa0a2a3a4
<< Sequence : 0x00000003
<< IPMI Msg/Payload Length : 32
<< IPMI Response Message Header
<< Rq Addr : 81
<< NetFn : 07
<< Rq LUN : 0
<< Rs Addr : 20
<< Rq Seq : 01
<< Rs Lun : 0
<< Command : 3b
<< Compl Code : 0x00
set_session_privlvl (1 bytes)
Set Session Privilege Level to ADMINISTRATOR
>> Sending IPMI command payload
>> netfn : 0x06
>> command : 0x01
>> data :
>> Initialization vector (16 bytes)
bf 8b e8 8e 0a a9 22 1b 68 19 10 5e 95 53 4d 24
authcode input (48 bytes)
06 c0 0d 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 20 00 bf 8b e8 8e
0a a9 22 1b 68 19 10 5e 95 53 4d 24 8e 5e 0c 1e
d8 44 bc 1e da d6 0b 2e a9 28 03 72 ff ff 02 07
authcode output (12 bytes)
cd a5 7e 34 c2 04 99 11 38 74 d6 fb
Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x6 lun=0x0 cmd=0x1)
>> Sending IPMI command payload
>> netfn : 0x06
>> command : 0x3c
>> data : 0x0d 0x00 0x00 0x00
>> Initialization vector (16 bytes)
50 16 10 a4 b2 15 54 ac b5 0c bb 4f 25 cf 1d c0
authcode input (48 bytes)
06 c0 0d 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 20 00 50 16 10 a4
b2 15 54 ac b5 0c bb 4f 25 cf 1d c0 3e 97 5a f2
80 5c dd 02 2f b8 c3 74 c2 9b 76 e9 ff ff 02 07
authcode output (12 bytes)
79 f4 26 8d c2 93 1c cb 17 54 68 b2
<< IPMI Response Session Header
<< Authtype : Unknown (0x06)
<< Payload type : IPMI (0)
<< Session ID : 0xa0a2a3a4
<< Sequence : 0x00000004
<< IPMI Msg/Payload Length : 48
<< IPMI Response Message Header
<< Rq Addr : 20
<< NetFn : 06
<< Rq LUN : 0
<< Rs Addr : 20
<< Rq Seq : 39
<< Rs Lun : 0
<< Command : 01
<< Compl Code : 0x00
IPMI Request Match NOT FOUND
<< IPMI Response Session Header
<< Authtype : Unknown (0x06)
<< Payload type : IPMI (0)
<< Session ID : 0xa0a2a3a4
<< Sequence : 0x00000005
<< IPMI Msg/Payload Length : 32
<< IPMI Response Message Header
<< Rq Addr : 81
<< NetFn : 07
<< Rq LUN : 0
<< Rs Addr : 20
<< Rq Seq : 03
<< Rs Lun : 0
<< Command : 3c
<< Compl Code : 0x00
Closed Session 0000000d
答案 0 :(得分:0)
- 目标地址(这是您要发送消息的BMC或主机地址)
- 目标渠道(取决于命令类型,例如Get Device Id
ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U root -P root -t 0x2c -b 6 raw 0x06 0x01