同位素可调整大小,可排序,可拖动和重新加载列表 - 在哪里重新加载项目? (包括Codepen)

时间:2013-10-21 00:41:41

标签: jquery-ui jquery-ui-sortable jquery-ui-draggable jquery-isotope jquery-ui-resizable

我有一个列表,我正在使用JQueryUI和Isotope,可调整大小,可拖动和可排序。 在用户通过单击并拖动来调整界面中的元素大小后,我不得不尝试重新加载列表。



  transformsEnabled: false
  , itemSelector: '.isotopey'
  , resizable: true
  , onLayout: function() {
    list.css('overflow', 'visible');


  cursor: 'move'
  //, tolerance: 'intersection'  //'pointer' is too janky
  , start: function(event, ui) {                        
    //add grabbing and moving classes as user has begun
    //REMOVE isotopey so that isotope does not try to sort our item,
    //resulting in the item moving around and flickering on 'change'
    ui.item.addClass('grabbing moving').removeClass('isotopey');

      .addClass('starting') //adding the 'starting' class removes the transitions from the placeholder.
      //remove 'moving' class because if the user clicks on a tile they just moved,
      //the placeholder will have 'moving' class and it will mess with the transitions
      //put placeholder directly below tile. 'starting' class ensures the
      //placeholder simply appears and does not 'fly' into place
        top: ui.originalPosition.top
        , left: ui.originalPosition.left
    //reload the items in their current state to override any previous
    //sorting and to include placeholder, but do NOT call a re-layout
  , change: function(event, ui) {
    //change only fires when the DOM is changed. the DOM changes when 
    //the placeholder moves up or down in the document order 
    //within the sortable container

    //remove 'starting' class so that placeholder can now move smoothly
    //with the interface
    //reload items to include the placeholder's new position in the DOM. 
    //then when you sort, everything around the placeholder moves as 
    //though the item were moving it.
      .isotope({ sortBy: 'original-order'})
  , beforeStop: function(event, ui) {
    //in this event, you still have access to the placeholder. this means
    //you know exactly where in the DOM you're going to place your element.
    //place it right next to the placeholder. jQuery UI Sortable removes the
    //placeholder for you after this event, and actually if you try to remove
    //it in this step it will throw an error.
  , stop: function(event, ui) {      
    //user has chosen their location! remove the 'grabbing' class, but don't
    //kill the 'moving' class right away. because the 'moving' class is 
    //preventing your item from having transitions, you should keep it on
    //until isotope is done moving everything around. it will "snap" into place
    //right where your placeholder was.

    //also, you must add the 'isotopey' class back to the box so that isotope
    //will again include your item in its sorting list

    //reload the items again so that your item is included in the DOM order
    //for isotope to do its final sort, which actually won't move anything
    //but ensure that your item is in the right place
      .isotope({ sortBy: 'original-order' }, function(){
        //finally, after sorting is done, take the 'moving' class off.
        //doing it here ensures that your item "snaps" and isn't resorted
        //from its original position. since this happens on callback,
        //if the user grabbed the tile again before callback is fired,
        //don't remove the moving class in mid-grab

        //for some reason in this code pen, the callback isn't firing predictably
        if (!ui.item.is('.grabbing')) {

$( ".isotopey" ).resizable({
grid: [ 200, 25 ],
    animate: false,
  ghost: false,
    minHeight: 50,
    containment: '#theholder',
    autoHide: false,    

$( "#theholder" ).resizable({
grid: [ 210, 50 ],
    animate: false,
  ghost: false,
    minWidth: 209,
  maxWidth: 211,
    minHeight: 50,
    autoHide: true,    

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