Angular JS和Directive Link以及$ timeout

时间:2013-10-19 22:58:02

标签: javascript angularjs angularjs-directive timeout

我对AngularJS和指令的一个非常基本的例子有疑问。 我想创建一个使用webrtc显示网络摄像头图像的指令。 我的代码完美地显示了流,但如果我添加超时(例如刷新画布),$ timeout不起作用 这是代码:

    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        template: '<div>' +
            '<video ng-hide="videoStatus"></video>' +
            '<canvas id="canvas-source"></canvas>' +               
        replace: true,
        transclude: true,
        scope: false,
        link: function postLink($scope, element){
           $scope.canvasStatus = true;
           $scope.videoStatus = false;

           width = element.width = 320;
           height = element.height = 0;

           /* this method draw the webcam image into a canvas */
           var drawVideoCanvas = function(){
              sourceContext.drawImage(vid,0,0, vid.width, vid.height);

           /* start the timeout that take a screenshot and draw the source canvas */
           var update = function(){
              var timeout = $timeout(function(){
                console.log("pass"); //the console log show only one "pass"
              }, 2000);

           /* this work perfectly and reproduct into the video tag the webcam */
           var onSuccess = function onSuccess(stream) {
              // Firefox supports a src object
              if (navigator.mozGetUserMedia) {
                 vid.mozSrcObject = stream;
              } else {
                 var vendorURL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
                 vid.src = vendorURL.createObjectURL(stream);
              /* Start playing the video to show the stream from the webcam*/

           var onFailure = function onFailure(err) {

              if (console && console.log) {
                console.log('The following error occured: ', err);

           var vid = element.find('video')[0];
           var sourceCanvas = element.find('canvas')[0];
           var sourceContext = sourceCanvas.getContext('2d');

           height = (vid.videoHeight / ((vid.videoWidth/width))) || 250;
           vid.setAttribute('width', width);
           vid.setAttribute('height', height);

           navigator.getMedia (
              // ask only for video
                video: true,
                audio: false

有什么问题?为什么$ timeout在这种情况下不起作用?最后有一个解决方案?


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:78)


.directive('myDirective', ['$timeout', function($timeout) {
   return {
        link: function($scope, element){
            //use $timeout

答案 1 :(得分:14)


也许你想要setInterval(如果你是前角1.2)/ $ interval(新到1.2),它设置一个定期调用。这是setInterval版本:

var timeout = setInterval(function(){
    // do stuff
}, 2000); 

我包含$ apply作为提醒,因为这是一个外部jQuery调用,你需要告诉angular更新DOM(如果你进行了任何适当的更改)。 ($ timeout是一个角度版本自动更新DOM)

答案 2 :(得分:5)

我不确定我是否对此有疑问,但$timeout与javascript plain setTimeout函数几乎相同,并且它应该只运行一次,而不是setInterval

如果您使用的是Angular 1.2.0,请按$timeout更改$interval服务。如果不是你的1.0版本,你可以递归:

var timeout;
var update = function() {
  // clear previous interval
  timeout && timeout();
  timeout = $timeout(function() {
    // drawSomething(...);
  }, 2000);