我一直收到错误:“定义enigma_encode所需的Num Char实例”,我真的无法理解为什么。
| or < 25
抱歉,我认为这是与enigna_encode中的SimpleEnigma'或'部分数据结构的比较错误。但是这里的整个代码是完整的:module Enigma where
import Cipher
import AssignmentHelp
--Rotor data structure definition
data Rotor = R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5
--assigning rotor constants to cipher constants type definition
rtr_2_ciph :: Rotor -> Cipher
--assigning rotor constants to cipher constants function definition
rtr_2_ciph R1 = rotor1
rtr_2_ciph R2 = rotor2
rtr_2_ciph R3 = rotor3
rtr_2_ciph R4 = rotor4
rtr_2_ciph R5 = rotor5
--SimpleEnigma data structure definition
type SimpleEnigma = (Rotor, Rotor, Rotor, Int, Int, Int)
--Reflector data structure definition
type Reflector = [(Char,Char)]
--Standard reflector type defintion
st_reflector :: Reflector
st_reflector = [('A','Y'),('B','R'),('C','U'),('D','H'),('E','Q'),('F','S'),('G','L'),('I','P'),('J','X'),('K','N'),('M','O'),('T','Z'),('V','W')]
--Enigma Encode type definition
enigma_encode :: Char -> SimpleEnigma -> Char
--Enigma Encode function definition
enigma_encode x (lr, mr, rr, ol, om, or)
| or < 25 = reverse_encode (reverse_encode (reverse_encode (reflection (encode (encode (encode x (rtr_2_ciph rr) (or+1)) (rtr_2_ciph mr) om) (rtr_2_ciph lr) ol) st_reflector) (offset_cipher (rtr_2_ciph lr) ol)) (offset_cipher (rtr_2_ciph mr) om)) (offset_cipher (rtr_2_ciph rr) (or+1))
| or == 25 = reverse_encode (reverse_encode (reverse_encode (reflection (encode (encode (encode x (rtr_2_ciph rr) 0) (rtr_2_ciph mr) (om+1)) (rtr_2_ciph lr) ol) st_reflector) (offset_cipher (rtr_2_ciph lr) ol)) (offset_cipher (rtr_2_ciph mr) (om+1))) (offset_cipher (rtr_2_ciph rr) 0)
| or == 25 && om == 25 = reverse_encode (reverse_encode (reverse_encode (reflection (encode (encode (encode x (rtr_2_ciph rr) 0) (rtr_2_ciph mr) 0) (rtr_2_ciph lr) (ol+1)) st_reflector) (offset_cipher (rtr_2_ciph lr) (ol+1))) (offset_cipher (rtr_2_ciph mr) 0)) (offset_cipher (rtr_2_ciph rr) 0)
| or == 25 && om == 25 && ol == 25 = reverse_encode (reverse_encode (reverse_encode (reflection (encode (encode (encode x (rtr_2_ciph rr) 0) (rtr_2_ciph mr) 0) (rtr_2_ciph lr) 0) st_reflector) (offset_cipher (rtr_2_ciph lr) 0)) (offset_cipher (rtr_2_ciph mr) 0)) (offset_cipher (rtr_2_ciph rr) 0)
--Reflection type definition
reflection :: Char -> Reflector -> Char
--Reflection function definition
reflection x (h:t)
| x == fst h = snd h
| x == snd h = fst h
| otherwise = reflection x t
--1) Cipher data structure definition
type Cipher = String
--kept it as a string as easy to manipulate and work with using the in-built
--list functions due to string = [Char]
--Plan Text Cipher constant Definition
plain_cipher :: Cipher
--just the standard alphabet used later, can be changed any string (ie another alphabet)
--encode type defintion
encode :: Char -> Cipher -> Int -> Char
--encode function definiton
encode x cipher offset
| validate_cipher cipher = offset_cipher cipher offset!!head (elemIndices x plain_cipher)
{--before encoding, validates the substitute cipher. Then if valid, offsets the cipher
and returns the encoded char in correlation to its index in the plain cipher.
the head of elemIndices is used to avoid having to deal with maybe int in elemIndex function--}
--offset the cipher type definition
offset_cipher :: Cipher -> Int -> Cipher
--offset the cipher function definition
offset_cipher cipher offset = drop (26 - mod offset 26) cipher ++ take (26 - mod offset 26) cipher
--takes any number offset, including those above 26 by dropping letters from the tail of the substitute cipher
--by 26 - (the mod of the offset by 26). Then adds the rest of the subsitute cipher to the end with take.
--reverseEncode type defintion
reverse_encode :: Char -> Cipher -> Char
--decode function definition
reverse_encode x cipher
| validate_cipher cipher = plain_cipher!!head (elemIndices x cipher)
{-- before reverse encoding, validates the cipher. If the cipher is valid
then again using elemindices (again to avoid maybe int) finds the correlating
index in the substitute cipher and uses that index in the plain cipher to decode the char --}