function [ew1, Periodogram] = dest_modified3(x,m)
n = length(x);
%x2 = dmtrend(x); % detrended data (demeaning is done in univariate_d!)
%m = fix(n^0.6); % m is the number of frequencies used in estimation.
options = optimset('fminbnd');
%dw = fminbnd('whittle',-1,3,options,x,m); % LW estimate
[ew1,Periodogram] = fminbnd('ewhittle',-2,4,options,x,m,0); % ELW estimate
%ew2 = fminbnd('ewhittle',-2,4,options,x,m,1); % FELW estimate
%ew3 = fminbnd('ewhittle',-2,4,options,x2,m,1); % FELW w/ detrending
%[felw1, Periodogram] = felw2st_modified(x,m,3,10);
% 2stage FELW
%felw2 = felw2st(x2,m,3,10); % 2stage FELW w/ detrending
% fprintf(1,'Number of observations %7i \n', n);
% fprintf(1,'Number of frequencies used %7i \n\n', m);
% fprintf(1,'Estimate of d: LW estimator %7.5f \n', dw);
% fprintf(1,'Estimate of d: exact LW estimator %7.5f \n', ew1);
% fprintf(1,'Estimate of d: feasible ELW estimator %7.5f \n', ew2);
% fprintf(1,'Estimate of d: feasible ELW estimator with detrending %7.5f \n', ew3);
% fprintf(1,'Estimate of d: 2-step feasible ELW estimator %7.5f \n', felw1);
% fprintf(1,'Estimate of d: 2-step feasible ELW estimator w/ detrending %7.5f \n', felw2);