when x>1, dx/dt=0.25 * x(t-tau) / (1.0 + pow(x(t-tau),10.0)) -0.1*x
otherwise, dx/dt=0.25 * x
方法1没有抱怨,但if else语句没有 被解释了。
找到可执行文件c:\ mingw \ bin \ g ++。exe c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:在函数'double f(double,double)'中: c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:734:错误:'x'不能用作函数 c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:734:错误:'x'不能用作函数 c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:在函数'PyObject * compiled_func(PyObject *,PyObject *)'中: c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:878:警告:有符号和无符号整数表达式之间的比较 c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:883:警告:有符号和无符号整数表达式之间的比较 c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:774:警告:未使用的变量'Nhistx_ar' c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:775:警告:未使用的变量'Shistx_ar' c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:776:警告:未使用的变量'Dhistx_ar' c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:785:警告:未使用的变量'NVhistx_ar' c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:786:警告:未使用的变量'SVhistx_ar' c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:787:警告:未使用的变量'DVhistx_ar' c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:796:警告:未使用的变量'NThist_ar' c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:797:警告:未使用的变量'SThist_ar' c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:798:警告:未使用的变量'DThist_ar' c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:817:警告:未使用的变量'Ndiscont' c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:818:警告:未使用的变量'Sdiscont' c:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.cpp:819:警告:未使用的变量'Ddiscont' Traceback(最近一次调用最后一次): 文件“C:\ Documents and Settings \ thao \ Desktop \ mackey-glass.py”,第33行,in dde.run() 运行文件“C:\ Python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ pydelay_dde23.py”,第1120行 compiler ='gcc') 文件“C:\ Python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ scipy \ weave \ inline_tools.py”,第355行,内联 ** KW) 在compile_function中的文件“C:\ Python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ scipy \ weave \ inline_tools.py”,第482行 verbose =详细,** kw) 编译中的文件“C:\ Python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ scipy \ weave \ ext_tools.py”,第367行 verbose =详细,** kw) 在build_extension中的文件“C:\ Python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ scipy \ weave \ build_tools.py”,第272行 setup(name = module_name,ext_modules = [ext],verbose = verb) 设置中的文件“C:\ Python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ numpy \ distutils \ core.py”,第186行 return old_setup(** new_attr) 在设置中文件“C:\ Python27 \ lib \ distutils \ core.py”,第169行 提升SystemExit,“错误:”+ str(msg) distutils.errors.CompileError:error:命令“g ++ -O2 -Wall -IC:\ Python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ scipy \ weave -IC:\ Python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ scipy \ weave \ scxx -IC: \ Python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ numpy \ core \ include -IC:\ Python27 \ include -IC:\ Python27 \ PC -cc:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311。 cpp -oc:\ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_intermediate \ compiler_a77d1132635f0379270bcb96a5e542fc \ Release \ docume~1 \ thao \ locals~1 \ temp \ thong \ python27_compiled \ sc_f68f7a878bf7b27c6f72c9e771ec4d311.o“以退出状态1失败 [完成5.8s,退出代码1]
这是一个python dict):import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
from pydelay import dde23
eqn_1a='0.25 * x(t-tau) / (1.0 + pow(x(t-tau),10.0)) -0.1*x'
eqn_1b='0.45 * x'
eqns = { 'x' : eqn_1a if 'x>1' else eqn_1b}
dde = dde23(eqns=eqns, params={'tau': 15})
dde.set_sim_params(tfinal=1000, dtmax=1.0, AbsTol=10**-6, RelTol=10**-3)
histfunc = {'x': lambda t: 0.5 }
dde.hist_from_funcs(histfunc, 51)
sol1 = dde.sample(2, 3, 0.1)
x1 = sol1['x']
eqns = { 'x' : 'f(x, tau)'}
# We can define a c function to be used in the equations
mycode = """
double f(double x, double tau) {
if (x>1){
return (0.25 * x(t-tau) / (1.0 + pow(x(t-tau),10.0)) -0.1*x);
return (0.45 * x);
dde = dde23(eqns=eqns, params={'tau': 15}, supportcode=mycode)
dde.set_sim_params(tfinal=1000, dtmax=1.0, AbsTol=10**-6, RelTol=10**-3)
histfunc = {'x': lambda t: 0.5 }
dde.hist_from_funcs(histfunc, 51)
sol1 = dde.sample(1, 300, 1)
x1 = sol1['x']
答案 0 :(得分:3)
eqns = { 'x' : 'f(x, x(t - tau))'}
mycode = """
double f(double x, double x_tau) {
if (x > 1.0){
return 0.25 * x_tau / (1.0 + pow(x_tau, 10.0)) -0.1*x;
return 0.45 * x;