我正在处理在Firefox Mozilla上运行良好的上传进度条。 首先让我粘贴我的Javascript代码:
var upload_range = 1;
var total_upload_size;
var get_status_speed;
var get_status_url;
var get_data_loop = true;
var seconds = 0;
var minutes = 0;
var hours = 0;
var info_width = 0;
var info_bytes = 0;
var info_time_width = 500;
var info_time_bytes = 15;
var cedric_hold = true;
// Check the file format before uploading
function checkFileNameFormat(){
if(check_file_name_format == false){ return false; }
for(var i = 0; i < upload_range; i++){
if(document.form_upload.elements['upfile_' + i].value != ""){
var string = document.form_upload.elements['upfile_' + i].value;
var num_of_last_slash = string.lastIndexOf("\\");
if(num_of_last_slash < 1){ num_of_last_slash = string.lastIndexOf("/"); }
var file_name = string.slice(num_of_last_slash + 1, string.length);
var re = /^[\w][\w\.\ \-]{1,64}$/i;
alert("Sorry, uploading files in this format is not allowed. Please ensure your file names follow this format. \n\n1. Entire file cannot exceed 64 characters\n2. Format should be filename.extension or filename\n3. Legal characters are 1-9, a-z, A-Z, '_', '-'\n");
return true;
return false;
// Check for illegal file extentions
function checkDisallowFileExtensions(){
if(check_disallow_extensions == false){ return false; }
for(var i = 0; i < upload_range; i++){
if(document.form_upload.elements['upfile_' + i].value != ""){
if(document.form_upload.elements['upfile_' + i].value.match(disallow_extensions)){
var string = document.form_upload.elements['upfile_' + i].value;
var num_of_last_slash = string.lastIndexOf("\\");
if(num_of_last_slash < 1){ num_of_last_slash = string.lastIndexOf("/"); }
var file_name = string.slice(num_of_last_slash + 1, string.length);
var file_extension = file_name.slice(file_name.indexOf(".")).toLowerCase();
alert('Sorry, uploading a file with the extension "' + file_extension + '" is not allowed.');
return true;
return false;
// Check for legal file extentions
function checkAllowFileExtensions(){
if(check_allow_extensions == false){ return false; }
for(var i = 0; i < upload_range; i++){
if(document.form_upload.elements['upfile_' + i].value != ""){
if(!document.form_upload.elements['upfile_' + i].value.match(allow_extensions)){
var string = document.form_upload.elements['upfile_' + i].value;
var num_of_last_slash = string.lastIndexOf("\\");
if(num_of_last_slash < 1){ num_of_last_slash = string.lastIndexOf("/"); }
var file_name = string.slice(num_of_last_slash + 1, string.length);
var file_extension = file_name.slice(file_name.indexOf(".")).toLowerCase();
alert('Sorry, uploading a file with the extension "' + file_extension + '" is not allowed.');
return true;
return false;
// Make sure the user selected at least one file
function checkNullFileCount(){
if(check_null_file_count == false){ return false; }
var null_file_count = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < upload_range; i++){
if(document.form_upload.elements['upfile_' + i].value == ""){ null_file_count++; }
if(null_file_count == upload_range){
alert("Please Choose A File To Upload.");
return true;
else{ return false; }
// Make sure the user is not uploading duplicate files
function checkDuplicateFileCount(){
if(check_duplicate_file_count == false){ return false; }
var duplicate_flag = false;
var file_count = 0;
var duplicate_msg = "Duplicate Upload Files Detected.\n\n";
var file_name_array = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i < upload_range; i++){
if(document.form_upload.elements['upfile_' + i].value != ""){
var string = document.form_upload.elements['upfile_' + i].value;
var num_of_last_slash = string.lastIndexOf("\\");
if(num_of_last_slash < 1){ num_of_last_slash = string.lastIndexOf("/"); }
var file_name = string.slice(num_of_last_slash + 1, string.length);
file_name_array[i] = file_name;
var num_files = file_name_array.length;
for(var i = 0; i < num_files; i++){
for(var j = 0; j < num_files; j++){
if(file_name_array[i] == file_name_array[j] && file_name_array[i] != null){ file_count++; }
if(file_count > 1){
duplicate_msg += 'Duplicate file "' + file_name_array[i] + '" detected in slot ' + (i + 1) + ".\n";
duplicate_flag = true;
file_count = 0;
return true;
else{ return false; }
// Submit the upload form
function uploadFiles(){
if(checkFileNameFormat()){ return false; }
if(checkDisallowFileExtensions()){ return false; }
if(checkAllowFileExtensions()){ return false; }
if(checkNullFileCount()){ return false; }
if(checkDuplicateFileCount()){ return false; }
var total_uploads = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < upload_range; i++){
if(document.form_upload.elements['upfile_' + i].value != ""){ total_uploads++; }
document.getElementById('total_uploads').innerHTML = total_uploads;
document.getElementById('upload_button').disabled = true;
for(var i = 0; i < upload_range; i++){ document.form_upload.elements['upfile_' + i].disabled = true; }
// Reset the file upload page
function resetForm(){ location.href = self.location; }
// Hide the progress bar
function hideProgressBar(){ document.getElementById('progress_bar').style.display = "none"; }
// Initialize the file upload page
function iniFilePage(){
for(var i = 0; i < upload_range; i++){
document.form_upload.elements['upfile_' + i].disabled = false;
document.form_upload.elements['upfile_' + i].value = "";
document.getElementById('progress_info').innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById('upload_button').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('progress_bar').style.display = "none";
// Reset the progress bar
function resetProgressBar(){
get_data_loop = true;
seconds = 0;
minutes = 0;
hours = 0;
info_width = 0;
info_bytes = 0;
cedric_hold = true;
document.getElementById('upload_status').style.width = '0px';
document.getElementById('percent').innerHTML = '0%';
document.getElementById('uploaded_files').innerHTML = 0;
document.getElementById('total_uploads').innerHTML = '';
document.getElementById('current').innerHTML = 0;
document.getElementById('total_kbytes').innerHTML = '';
document.getElementById('time').innerHTML = 0;
document.getElementById('remain').innerHTML = 0;
document.getElementById('speed').innerHTML = 0;
// Stop the upload
function stopUpload(){
try{ window.stop(); }
try{ document.execCommand('Stop'); }
// Add one upload slot
function addUploadSlot(num){
if(upload_range < max_upload_slots){
if(num == upload_range){
var up = document.getElementById('upload_slots');
var dv = document.createElement("div");
dv.innerHTML = '<input type="file" name="upfile_' + upload_range + '" size="90" onchange="addUploadSlot('+(upload_range + 1)+')">';
// Make the progress bar smooth
function smoothCedricStatus(){
if(info_width < progress_bar_width && !cedric_hold){
info_width = info_width + 1;
document.getElementById('upload_status').style.width = info_width + 'px';
if(get_data_loop){ self.setTimeout("smoothCedricStatus()", info_time_width); }
// Make the bytes uploaded smooth
function smoothCedricBytes(){
if(info_bytes < total_upload_size && !cedric_hold){
info_bytes = info_bytes + 1;
document.getElementById('current').innerHTML = info_bytes;
if(get_data_loop){ self.setTimeout("smoothCedricBytes()", info_time_bytes); }
// Update the Cedric progress bar values
function updateCedricStatus(stats, bytes){
//var deviant_stat = stats + 20; //Add 5% deviation
//if(deviant_stat < info_width){ cedric_hold = true; }
// cedric_hold = false;
// info_width = stats;
// info_bytes = bytes;
cedric_hold = false;
info_width = stats;
info_bytes = bytes;
// Get the progress of the upload
function getProgressStatus(){
var jsel = document.createElement('SCRIPT');
jsel.type = 'text/javascript';
jsel.src = get_status_url + "&rnd_id=" + Math.random();
if(get_data_loop){ self.setTimeout("getProgressStatus()", get_status_speed); }
// Calculate the time spent uploading
function getElapsedTime(){
seconds += 1;
if(seconds == 60){
seconds = 0;
minutes += 1;
if(minutes == 60){
minutes = 0;
hours += 1;
var hr = "" + ((hours < 10) ? "0" : "") + hours;
var min = "" + ((minutes < 10) ? "0" : "") + minutes;
var sec = "" + ((seconds < 10) ? "0" : "") + seconds;
document.getElementById('time').innerHTML = hr + ":" + min + ":" + sec;
if(get_data_loop){ self.setTimeout("getElapsedTime()", 1000); }
// Create the AJAX request
function createRequestObject(){
var req = false;
req = new XMLHttpRequest();
if(req.overrideMimeType){ req.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); }
else if(window.ActiveXObject){
try{ req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }
try{ req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }
document.getElementById('progress_info').innerHTML = "Error: Your browser does not support AJAX";
return false;
else{ return req; }
// Initialize the progress bar
function iniProgressRequest(){
var req = false;
req = createRequestObject();
document.getElementById('progress_info').innerHTML = "Initializing Progress Bar ...";
req.open("GET", path_to_ini_status_script + "&rnd_id=" + Math.random(), true);
req.onreadystatechange = function(){ iniProgressResponse(req); };
req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// Initialize the progress bar
function iniProgressResponse(req){
if(req.readyState == 4){
if(req.status == 200){
var xml = req.responseXML;
if(xml.getElementsByTagName('error_status').item(0).firstChild.nodeValue == 1){
document.getElementById('progress_info').innerHTML = xml.getElementsByTagName('error_msg').item(0).firstChild.nodeValue;
if(xml.getElementsByTagName('stop_upload').item(0).firstChild.nodeValue == 1){ stopUpload(); }
get_status_speed = xml.getElementsByTagName('get_data_speed').item(0).firstChild.nodeValue;
get_data_loop = true;
if(document.form_upload.embedded_upload_results && document.form_upload.embedded_upload_results.value == 1){
document.getElementById('upload_div').style.display = "none";
get_status_url = "uploader_status.php?temp_dir_sid=" + xml.getElementsByTagName('temp_dir_sid').item(0).firstChild.nodeValue + "&start_time=" + xml.getElementsByTagName('start_time').item(0).firstChild.nodeValue + "&total_upload_size=" + xml.getElementsByTagName('total_bytes').item(0).firstChild.nodeValue + "&cedric_progress_bar=" + xml.getElementsByTagName('cedric_progress_bar').item(0).firstChild.nodeValue;
document.getElementById('progress_bar').style.display = "";
document.getElementById('total_kbytes').innerHTML = Math.round(Number(xml.getElementsByTagName('total_bytes').item(0).firstChild.nodeValue / 1024)) + " ";
document.getElementById('progress_info').innerHTML = "Upload In Progress";
if(xml.getElementsByTagName('cedric_progress_bar').item(0).firstChild.nodeValue == 1){
total_upload_size = xml.getElementsByTagName('total_bytes').item(0).firstChild.nodeValue;
//---Fix for Chrome and Safari---(load an animated gif instead of prgress bar)
document.getElementById('progress_info_2').style.display="block"; //this div is found in inner_upload_video.htm
//document.getElementById('progress_info').innerHTML = "Error: returned status code " + req.status + " " + req.statusText;
//---Fix for Chrome and Safari---(load an animated gif instead of prgress bar)
document.getElementById('progress_info_2').style.display="block"; //this div is found in inner_upload_video.htm
//document.getElementById('progress_info').innerHTML = "Error: returned status code " + req.status + " " + req.statusText;
当我这样做时,它只是没有显示任何东西。 那么请告诉我如何修复脚本以在所有浏览器中工作,问题出在哪里?