CountDown jquery,标签内有数据

时间:2013-10-16 17:16:24

标签: jquery countdown document-body


    // Our countdown plugin takes a callback, a duration, and an optional message
    $.fn.countdown = function (callback, duration, message) {
    // If no message is provided, we use an empty string
    message = message || "";
    // Get reference to container, and set initial content
    var container = $(this[0]).html(duration + message);
    // Get reference to the interval doing the countdown
    var countdown = setInterval(function () {
        // If seconds remain
        if (--duration) {
            // Update our container's message
            container.html(duration + message);
        // Otherwise
        } else {
            // Clear the countdown interval
            // And fire the callback passing our container as `this`
    // Run interval every 1000ms (1 second)
    }, 1000);

    // Function to be called after 5 seconds
     function redirect () {
     this.html("<a href='mypdf.pdf'>Donwload</a>");
     window.location = "";


现在,在"<boby>"标签后我有一个经典的Asp response.write / flush如下:

  ToLoop = 29
  for i = 0 to ToLoop
      StartTimer = Timer 'define time in second from 12:00AM

       if i = 1 then
         Count_Start_Second = round(This_Loop_Timer * ToLoop) 'use round for integer a decimal number
           response.write "<div id='countdown'></div>"
           response.write"<script>" & _
            "$('#countdown').countdown(redirect, " & Count_Start_Second & ", ""s remaining"");" & _
       end if

         --------More and more asp code to compile a dinamic PDF----------

        EndTimer = Timer 'define time in second after loop
        This_Loop_Timer = EndTimer - StartTimer 

我不明白为什么在页面加载完成后执行jquery? 使用Flush,teorically,应该在循环的第一圈之后立即加载。但事实并非如此。



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