
时间:2013-10-15 05:22:08

标签: f# monads computation-expression


testWorld |>
    subscribe ClickTestButtonAddress [] addBoxes |>
    addScreen testScreen TestScreenAddress |>
    setP (Some TestScreenAddress) World.optActiveScreenAddress |>
    addGroup testGroup TestGroupAddress |>
    addEntityGuiLabel (testLabelGuiEntity, testLabelGui, testLabel) TestLabelAddress |>
    addEntityGuiButton (testButtonGuiEntity, testButtonGui, testButton) TestButtonAddress |>
    addEntityActorBlock (testFloorActorEntity, testFloorActor, testFloor) TestFloorAddress |>
    (let hintRenderingPackageUse = HintRenderingPackageUse { FileName = "AssetGraph.xml"; PackageName = "Misc"; HRPU = () }
     fun world -> { world with RenderMessages = hintRenderingPackageUse :: world.RenderMessages }) |>
    (let hintAudioPackageUse = HintAudioPackageUse { FileName = "AssetGraph.xml"; PackageName = "Misc"; HAPU = () }
     fun world -> { world with AudioMessages = hintAudioPackageUse :: world.AudioMessages })

这样的事情 -

fwd {
    do! subscribe ClickTestButtonAddress [] addBoxes
    do! addScreen testScreen TestScreenAddress
    do! setP (Some TestScreenAddress) World.optActiveScreenAddress
    do! addGroup testGroup TestGroupAddress
    do! addEntityGuiLabel (testLabelGuiEntity, testLabelGui, testLabel) TestLabelAddress
    do! addEntityGuiButton (testButtonGuiEntity, testButtonGui, testButton) TestButtonAddress
    do! addEntityActorBlock (testFloorActorEntity, testFloorActor, testFloor) TestFloorAddress
    let hintRenderingPackageUse = HintRenderingPackageUse { FileName = "AssetGraph.xml"; PackageName = "Misc"; HRPU = () }
    do! fun world -> { world with RenderMessages = hintRenderingPackageUse :: world.RenderMessages }
    let hintAudioPackageUse = HintAudioPackageUse { FileName = "AssetGraph.xml"; PackageName = "Misc"; HAPU = () }
    do! fun world -> { world with AudioMessages = hintAudioPackageUse :: world.AudioMessages }}
    <| runFwd testWorld


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

也许我应该回去做这个 -

let tw_ = testWorld
let tw_ = subscribe ClickTestButtonAddress [] addBoxes tw_
let tw_ = addScreen testScreen TestScreenAddress tw_
let tw_ = setP (Some TestScreenAddress) World.optActiveScreenAddress tw_
let tw_ = addGroup testGroup TestGroupAddress tw_
let tw_ = addEntityGuiLabel (testLabelGuiEntity, testLabelGui, testLabel) TestLabelAddress tw_
let tw_ = addEntityGuiButton (testButtonGuiEntity, testButtonGui, testButton) TestButtonAddress tw_
let tw_ = addEntityActorBlock (testFloorActorEntity, testFloorActor, testFloor) TestFloorAddress tw_
let tw_ = { tw_ with RenderMessages = hintRenderingPackageUse :: tw_.RenderMessages }
{ tw_ with AudioMessages = hintAudioPackageUse :: tw_.AudioMessages }


答案 1 :(得分:2)

如果您使用 ExtCore 库(在NuGet上可用),它会提供一个名为tap的运算符,专门用于帮助调试流水线表达式。您可以通过“点击”管道来使用它,它将一个动作函数(返回unit)应用于管道中某个点的值,然后传递该值,以便它按预期继续流经管道。 / p>


|> subscribe ClickTestButtonAddress [] addBoxes
|> addScreen testScreen TestScreenAddress
// Check to see if the screen was added correctly
|> tap (fun world ->
    // TODO : Insert code to check if the screen was added.
    // Or, put some dummy code here so you can set a breakpoint
    // on it to inspect 'world' in the debugger.
|> setP (Some TestScreenAddress) World.optActiveScreenAddress
|> addGroup testGroup TestGroupAddress
|> addEntityGuiLabel (testLabelGuiEntity, testLabelGui, testLabel) TestLabelAddress
|> addEntityGuiButton (testButtonGuiEntity, testButtonGui, testButton) TestButtonAddress
|> addEntityActorBlock (testFloorActorEntity, testFloorActor, testFloor) TestFloorAddress
|> (let hintRenderingPackageUse = HintRenderingPackageUse { FileName = "AssetGraph.xml"; PackageName = "Misc"; HRPU = () }
    fun world -> { world with RenderMessages = hintRenderingPackageUse :: world.RenderMessages }) 
|> (let hintAudioPackageUse = HintAudioPackageUse { FileName = "AssetGraph.xml"; PackageName = "Misc"; HAPU = () }
    fun world -> { world with AudioMessages = hintAudioPackageUse :: world.AudioMessages })


答案 2 :(得分:2)

State或Writer Monad可能有用,但是如果你想使用调试器忘记Monads,那就更糟了。 您可以做的一件事是重新定义管道运算符,如下所示:

let (|>) a b = printfn "Value is: %A" a; b a

    |> ((+) 40) 
    |> string 
    |> Seq.singleton  
    |> Seq.toArray


Value is: 5
Value is: 45
Value is: "45"
Value is: seq ["45"]
val it : string [] = [|"45"|]


let mutable results = [] : obj list
let (|>) a b = 
    results <- results @ [box a] // or set a breakpoint here
    b a  
val mutable results : obj list = [5; 45; "45"; <seq>]



答案 3 :(得分:1)

